
Dominiqua Dickey

Overall Ratings
Based on 29 Users
Easiness 3.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.3 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.9 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.0 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (29)

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Jan. 9, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A-

I'll split this review into two parts the class and the professor:

The class: The class has a lot of work, she gives a lot of work that can sometimes be too much and feel unnecessary. Participation matters and your final is a final portfolio of your essays written throughout the class. There are also presentations and attendance is taken.

The Professor: Professor Dickey is a wonderful professor. She is very funny and is very forgiving/understanding with late work and sometimes deadlines. Her lectures can give you the inspiration to write essays and her feedback for your essays are very helpful. I really do not like English but Professor Dickey made the class fun and interesting.


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April 16, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A

Professor Dickey truly cares about her students. From the engaging projects, papers, and informative group discussions, Professor Dickey has truly made me a confident and better writer. The class is discussion based which helped me develop a sense of critically analyzing a film’s underlying message in regard to race and racial identity. She strives to inspire and develop powerful writers. Like any other class at UCLA, there is a good amount of work but at the end of the day it is worth it, what you put in is the grade you will receive so make sure to participate, do the readings and watch the movies. I highly recommend this class for anyone trying to fulfill their diversity requirement or writing 2!


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March 31, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-

I took 3 STEM classes along with this class winter quarter. And honestly this class took MOST of my time. She is a great professor and you learn a lot of stuff about diversity which is very interesting. However, the workload is just INSANE. She makes you watch upwards to two movies and read passages in a span of two days. Also, your final grade is basically just one essay because you revise it and submit the final draft in your portfolio. Overall, I would seriously look into other professors because the workload is just too much and not worth it especially for an ENGCOMP3 class.


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Jan. 10, 2024
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-

This quarter we focused on films and how they have underlying themes or tones of race, racial relations, and racial identity. I liked what we were learning and discussing. I liked Professor Dickey as a person. She was fun to talk to and she was very passionate about what she was teaching which is always a plus. My issue is that Professor Dickey was so confusing with her grading. While she would give positive feedback on our essays, the grades did not reflect that at all. On top of that, she literally graded everything at the very end so I had no clue what my grade was until winter break which was frustrating at times. Overall, I fairly enjoyed the class but I would not take it again.


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Aug. 31, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A-

the class had an interesting concept - constructions of race and race relations in film and media - and is certainly for people who have a more mature understanding or experience surrounding these topics. however, dickey isn't particularly the most transparent when it comes to giving feedback, marks, or any gage on how well you're doing in the class until the very end. i thought i was acing these writing assignments and i got a's for those, but apparently i had not participated enough in class despite contributing at least once a lesson which led me to my a-. nearly dropped out cuz this was supposed to be the easiest class i will have ever taken. i managed to get an a+ for writing II, so dont feel too disheartened if you don't do so well for engcomp 3 (fuck this shit)


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May 8, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A

Some people would say that this class had a lot of work, and it did but it was always "fun" and very personal so in the end it isn't really as much as it looks like in my opinion. The topics and movies we watched were interesting. I really liked the professor, she was always understanding. The one thing that I kind of hated however was that we didn't get a single grade until our final one (just one for the entire quarter, no individual ones). It makes it kind of hard to figure out if you need to put in more work during the quarter and because she doesn't give her email, you have no way of contacting her if you want more details about your grade.


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Feb. 6, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A

This class was half online and half in person. As long as you show up, participate, and turn in everything on time you will be totally fine. Dickey is super nice and tries to personally connect with the class which is great.


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Nov. 5, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+

As someone who genuinely hates writing, this class was not terrible at all. All of the assignments are very clear and quite easy to grasp. And besides the class itself, Professor Dickey is also very nice! I recommend this class if you're looking to easily fulfill your writing requirement.


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Sept. 27, 2022
Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+

Professor Dickey is one of the best professors and person I have ever met. Classes always started off with checking in and asking how everyone's day was. Then, we went into a discussion about the movie, article, essay, or whatever there was. I really enjoyed the class, but the workload is insane. Out of all 4 of the classes I took that quarter, I was up so many nights trying to finish over 10 essays. A lot of the assignments are due back to back so I was constantly stressed over the next essay. Luckily, the prompts and assignments that Prof assigns are quite interesting and engaging, so I recommend.


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May 1, 2024
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B

DO NOT BE DECIEVED BY THE INFLATED RATINGS. The content of the class is disorderly presented and there are little to no connection between each assignment. The "instructor" did not provide any guidance for her assignments and essays and merely packaged all that responsibility into the shroud that is "creative writing." She isn't forgiving of late submissions, yet in amusing irony she was always late to fulfill her part as a professor. Our final grades were not published until a week and a half after the department deadline, which left us no room to inquire regarding the process of grading. Similarly, a friend of mine had to reschedule her individual review with her 3 times on short notice.

Overall, the content was not difficult, but the lack of instructional clarity and structural integrity made this class very frustrating to deal with alongside other coursework.


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Quarter: Fall 2022
Grade: A-
Jan. 9, 2023

I'll split this review into two parts the class and the professor:

The class: The class has a lot of work, she gives a lot of work that can sometimes be too much and feel unnecessary. Participation matters and your final is a final portfolio of your essays written throughout the class. There are also presentations and attendance is taken.

The Professor: Professor Dickey is a wonderful professor. She is very funny and is very forgiving/understanding with late work and sometimes deadlines. Her lectures can give you the inspiration to write essays and her feedback for your essays are very helpful. I really do not like English but Professor Dickey made the class fun and interesting.


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A
April 16, 2020

Professor Dickey truly cares about her students. From the engaging projects, papers, and informative group discussions, Professor Dickey has truly made me a confident and better writer. The class is discussion based which helped me develop a sense of critically analyzing a film’s underlying message in regard to race and racial identity. She strives to inspire and develop powerful writers. Like any other class at UCLA, there is a good amount of work but at the end of the day it is worth it, what you put in is the grade you will receive so make sure to participate, do the readings and watch the movies. I highly recommend this class for anyone trying to fulfill their diversity requirement or writing 2!


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Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
March 31, 2020

I took 3 STEM classes along with this class winter quarter. And honestly this class took MOST of my time. She is a great professor and you learn a lot of stuff about diversity which is very interesting. However, the workload is just INSANE. She makes you watch upwards to two movies and read passages in a span of two days. Also, your final grade is basically just one essay because you revise it and submit the final draft in your portfolio. Overall, I would seriously look into other professors because the workload is just too much and not worth it especially for an ENGCOMP3 class.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A-
Jan. 10, 2024

This quarter we focused on films and how they have underlying themes or tones of race, racial relations, and racial identity. I liked what we were learning and discussing. I liked Professor Dickey as a person. She was fun to talk to and she was very passionate about what she was teaching which is always a plus. My issue is that Professor Dickey was so confusing with her grading. While she would give positive feedback on our essays, the grades did not reflect that at all. On top of that, she literally graded everything at the very end so I had no clue what my grade was until winter break which was frustrating at times. Overall, I fairly enjoyed the class but I would not take it again.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A-
Aug. 31, 2023

the class had an interesting concept - constructions of race and race relations in film and media - and is certainly for people who have a more mature understanding or experience surrounding these topics. however, dickey isn't particularly the most transparent when it comes to giving feedback, marks, or any gage on how well you're doing in the class until the very end. i thought i was acing these writing assignments and i got a's for those, but apparently i had not participated enough in class despite contributing at least once a lesson which led me to my a-. nearly dropped out cuz this was supposed to be the easiest class i will have ever taken. i managed to get an a+ for writing II, so dont feel too disheartened if you don't do so well for engcomp 3 (fuck this shit)


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A
May 8, 2023

Some people would say that this class had a lot of work, and it did but it was always "fun" and very personal so in the end it isn't really as much as it looks like in my opinion. The topics and movies we watched were interesting. I really liked the professor, she was always understanding. The one thing that I kind of hated however was that we didn't get a single grade until our final one (just one for the entire quarter, no individual ones). It makes it kind of hard to figure out if you need to put in more work during the quarter and because she doesn't give her email, you have no way of contacting her if you want more details about your grade.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A
Feb. 6, 2023

This class was half online and half in person. As long as you show up, participate, and turn in everything on time you will be totally fine. Dickey is super nice and tries to personally connect with the class which is great.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+
Nov. 5, 2022

As someone who genuinely hates writing, this class was not terrible at all. All of the assignments are very clear and quite easy to grasp. And besides the class itself, Professor Dickey is also very nice! I recommend this class if you're looking to easily fulfill your writing requirement.


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Quarter: Spring 2022
Grade: A+
Sept. 27, 2022

Professor Dickey is one of the best professors and person I have ever met. Classes always started off with checking in and asking how everyone's day was. Then, we went into a discussion about the movie, article, essay, or whatever there was. I really enjoyed the class, but the workload is insane. Out of all 4 of the classes I took that quarter, I was up so many nights trying to finish over 10 essays. A lot of the assignments are due back to back so I was constantly stressed over the next essay. Luckily, the prompts and assignments that Prof assigns are quite interesting and engaging, so I recommend.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B
May 1, 2024

DO NOT BE DECIEVED BY THE INFLATED RATINGS. The content of the class is disorderly presented and there are little to no connection between each assignment. The "instructor" did not provide any guidance for her assignments and essays and merely packaged all that responsibility into the shroud that is "creative writing." She isn't forgiving of late submissions, yet in amusing irony she was always late to fulfill her part as a professor. Our final grades were not published until a week and a half after the department deadline, which left us no room to inquire regarding the process of grading. Similarly, a friend of mine had to reschedule her individual review with her 3 times on short notice.

Overall, the content was not difficult, but the lack of instructional clarity and structural integrity made this class very frustrating to deal with alongside other coursework.


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