
Will Conley

Overall Ratings
Based on 286 Users
Easiness 3.6 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.7 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (286)

6 of 18
6 of 18
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Dec. 22, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Exams are straight forward and easy. Be sure to do his practice exams and master the techniques used in homework. His homeworks are A LOT and u need to budget enough time.

He is very uneffective and I found his lectures a waste of time as he barely does any examples and all the theories he proofs have nothing to do with your grades since they are never on exams.

Not a bad idea to take classes with him. The key is to practice and the calculations are tedious in the exams especially in the finals.

Final grade: A


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Dec. 6, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Conley is a great lecturer, and he makes the concepts very intuitive and easy to understand. He also really cares for his students, and wants every single one of them to understand the material. You won't find another professor who will sacrifice his free time to have 4 hour review sessions outside of class, and hold extra office hours on the weekend before an exam. This man is an extraordinary human being.

The only thing I found slightly annoying was his pace. At times he would move really slowly through the material, because he wanted to make sure that everyone understood everything. I ended up bruincasting his lectures and fast-forwarding it, which worked really well for me.


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Dec. 6, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Conley is a great lecturer, and he makes the concepts very intuitive and easy to understand. He also really cares for his students, and wants every single one of them to understand the material. You won't find another professor who will sacrifice his free time to have 4 hour review sessions outside of class, and hold extra office hours on the weekend before an exam. This man is an extraordinary human being.

The only thing I found slightly annoying was his pace. At times he would move really slowly through the material, because he wanted to make sure that everyone understood everything. I ended up bruincasting his lectures and fast-forwarding it, which worked really well for me.


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June 24, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Trust me, you want to take Conley. He is THE best math professor I have EVER taken. (I have finished the 31,32,33 series and math 61).
His lectures are more theoretical and not so important to attend.
Do his homeworks and you will score well on the midterms.
He has a review session before every exam as well as office hours where he stays and teaches for ~2 hours!
He is very dedicated to his students, though he didn't ever respond to my emails. -_- Haha. Seriously, take him!


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Dec. 19, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Course taken is actually Life Sciences 30A - Mathematics for Life Scientists, NOT Math 19.

OK. So this is my first quarter, and I don't know much about professors, but so far, Professor Conley is my absolute favorite professor.

He is very, very clear in his teaching style. His lectures might go at a quite slow speed, but that is a good thing because that helps a lot of people (maybe even nearly everyone) in the class to understand the concept. And no accent (try some other "foreign" professors, and you will see what I mean)!
And you are very welcome to come to his office hours. I personally did not visit his office that many times, but I enjoyed every time that I spent there. He is very, very approachable. Just go to his office and get to know him.

TAKE HIS CLASS IF YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO DO SO! He might even become your favorite UCLA professor.


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Dec. 26, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Actual Course: Life Science 30A (the new pre-med math sequence)

A lot of people are confused about the actual class, as I was when I first decided to take it. Life Science 30A is a math class. It is supposedly "calculus" based, but we only used first derivatives and quotient rule and product rule. The main meat of the class is about mathematical modeling and differential equations, though we don't go into any of the "math" stuff of differential equations at all. We focus on the concepts. The computer programming part of the course threw me off at first, but the TAs are very helpful and understanding during lab sections and will help you with your coding. Also, there is no coding on any exams in the class.

As for Conley, he is a great teacher, and I have no complaints. I've been to 2 of his office hours and he was extremely helpful each time. Also, he is NOT boring, which is something really unique about a math professor.


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Dec. 31, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

I took Math 32A with Conley (not honors), and thought this was an easy (this could be because of how well he taught the material), well structured, very enjoyable class.

-Excellent lecturer: he goes over the concepts very clearly the first time and goes over them again during the next lecture (he spends the first 10 minutes on a “recall” section where he articulates the ideas from the previous lecture) and then goes over them again during the review session.
-Excellent review sessions: he comprehensively goes over literally everything that's going to show up on the midterm/final 2-3 days before the exam
-Easy material: Vectors and derivatives really aren't too hard, especially the way he teaches it. Some things are confusing at first (torque, component vectors of acceleration, curvature, critical values of 3 dimensional surfaces) but after attending the lecture and review session and doing the homework and practice exams, it really becomes pretty easy.
-Easy grading scheme: You can do poorly on one of the midterms and not have it count towards your grade. The first midterm is really easy, so even if you do poorly on the second midterm, it's really no big deal as long as you do well on the final.
-He gives out past exams to study with: These are amazing tools to use for studying, since you can see how he structures his questions and which concepts he generally emphasizes more in the tests. During fall 2014, he posted the actual midterm 1 and midterm 2, along with a past midterm 1 and a past final on CCLE, so if you take this class in the future, there are a lot of resources available for you to use.

-Takes forever to post grades: It takes him the better part of a month to get grades onto MyUcla, which is pretty annoying. However, this seems to be the fault of the TA’s, who it appears are responsible for posting the grades. Regardless of who’s fault it is, expect to wait a looooong time to get back grades.
-Doesn’t respond to emails: Sent him an email well before the second midterm, he didn’t respond. Left kind of a bad impression considering all of my other professors usually respond the same day. In Conley’s defense though, I’m sure he doesn’t have the time to respond to all of the emails he gets because he’s a popular professor.

Overall, the pros far outweigh the cons, and 32A with Conley is a class that I would recommend to anyone who is able to sign up for it


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Dec. 20, 2013
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

ACTUAL Course(s) Taken: Life Science 30A

He is definitely ONE OF THE BEST professors at UCLA. Conley cares so much about all his students and he will work with anyone struggling in the class. Sometimes instead of them asking him for help, Conley will go up to the students and offer a one-on-one appointment with him. And it's not cause he has free time or anything - he just genuinely cares about his students. No other professor in UCLA is that nice.

As for the class itself, it's a new math series tailored to pre-meds but it's very different from the math 3 series. Instead of focusing on calculus the class is based on vectors, Euler's Method, bifurcations, nullclines, chaos, etc. Basicly, it's more about mathematical applications to biological systems than it is about the different types of derivatives.

Bottom line: If you take LS 30A, take it with Conley.


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Nov. 11, 2014
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Actual class taken: LS30A

Okay, so I have LS30A with Professor Conley this quarter, and he is REALLY awesome! I still can't believe that he knows my first name. That's incredible. The material is very interesting, and he is SUPER clear in his lectures. Sometimes, I think that the material we're learning is a bit too easy, but I feel that it's because Professor Conley is JUST THAT GOOD at explaining the concepts. The class isn't curved, which is awesome, and if you didn't do too well on the first midterm, the final can be worth 100%! Professor Conley truly believes that everyone in class can do well, and I believe in him too.

Now, I'm not much of a computer programmer, but I have to admit that I wouldn't be able to do as well in Sage without Jane and Myki. I can see that they truly want me to succeed in the class, and they explain concepts to us that REALLY clear. I wasn't quite understanding the "for-loop" for Sage for a while, and Myki gave me just the most intuitive understanding for it. At first, I always asked myself "WHY does this work that way, and WHY does Sage seem to show me an answer when I put some code in", and he gave me some breakthrough insight and some amazing explanations that all of a sudden, made things so clear. I asked him if he had office hours, but unfortunately, he's an undergraduate T/A, so he doesn't have office hours :( He's REALLY smart and SUPER nice :) He even gave us an impromptu midterm review before our midterm, which REALLY helped me for the exam. I think he'll be t/a-ing again next quarter, so be sure to find him! Also, Jane has office hours, but get there quick because they're always PACKED.

If you email Conley to set up a one on one appointment, he will make time for you, which is SUPER cool, especially considering how popular and busy Conley is.

You NEED to take this class with Conley!!!


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Jan. 10, 2015
Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A

Let me first say that I have never been in Professor Conley's class, so I cannot comment on his exams or grading. However, I have been watching his old BruinCasts as a supplement to my own professor's lectures, and MAN IS HE GREAT! Professor Conley is very clear and thorough, and he has a way of explaining even tough concepts in a simplified manner so that you can actually learn. I especially like the way he helps you visualize mathematical concepts (through computer-generated models, for example). Once again, I cannot speak for his grading, but from his lectures, I think that he is a fantastic professor.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 22, 2015

Exams are straight forward and easy. Be sure to do his practice exams and master the techniques used in homework. His homeworks are A LOT and u need to budget enough time.

He is very uneffective and I found his lectures a waste of time as he barely does any examples and all the theories he proofs have nothing to do with your grades since they are never on exams.

Not a bad idea to take classes with him. The key is to practice and the calculations are tedious in the exams especially in the finals.

Final grade: A


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 6, 2015

Conley is a great lecturer, and he makes the concepts very intuitive and easy to understand. He also really cares for his students, and wants every single one of them to understand the material. You won't find another professor who will sacrifice his free time to have 4 hour review sessions outside of class, and hold extra office hours on the weekend before an exam. This man is an extraordinary human being.

The only thing I found slightly annoying was his pace. At times he would move really slowly through the material, because he wanted to make sure that everyone understood everything. I ended up bruincasting his lectures and fast-forwarding it, which worked really well for me.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 6, 2015

Conley is a great lecturer, and he makes the concepts very intuitive and easy to understand. He also really cares for his students, and wants every single one of them to understand the material. You won't find another professor who will sacrifice his free time to have 4 hour review sessions outside of class, and hold extra office hours on the weekend before an exam. This man is an extraordinary human being.

The only thing I found slightly annoying was his pace. At times he would move really slowly through the material, because he wanted to make sure that everyone understood everything. I ended up bruincasting his lectures and fast-forwarding it, which worked really well for me.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
June 24, 2014

Trust me, you want to take Conley. He is THE best math professor I have EVER taken. (I have finished the 31,32,33 series and math 61).
His lectures are more theoretical and not so important to attend.
Do his homeworks and you will score well on the midterms.
He has a review session before every exam as well as office hours where he stays and teaches for ~2 hours!
He is very dedicated to his students, though he didn't ever respond to my emails. -_- Haha. Seriously, take him!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 19, 2013

Course taken is actually Life Sciences 30A - Mathematics for Life Scientists, NOT Math 19.

OK. So this is my first quarter, and I don't know much about professors, but so far, Professor Conley is my absolute favorite professor.

He is very, very clear in his teaching style. His lectures might go at a quite slow speed, but that is a good thing because that helps a lot of people (maybe even nearly everyone) in the class to understand the concept. And no accent (try some other "foreign" professors, and you will see what I mean)!
And you are very welcome to come to his office hours. I personally did not visit his office that many times, but I enjoyed every time that I spent there. He is very, very approachable. Just go to his office and get to know him.

TAKE HIS CLASS IF YOU HAVE AN OPPORTUNITY TO DO SO! He might even become your favorite UCLA professor.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 26, 2013

Actual Course: Life Science 30A (the new pre-med math sequence)

A lot of people are confused about the actual class, as I was when I first decided to take it. Life Science 30A is a math class. It is supposedly "calculus" based, but we only used first derivatives and quotient rule and product rule. The main meat of the class is about mathematical modeling and differential equations, though we don't go into any of the "math" stuff of differential equations at all. We focus on the concepts. The computer programming part of the course threw me off at first, but the TAs are very helpful and understanding during lab sections and will help you with your coding. Also, there is no coding on any exams in the class.

As for Conley, he is a great teacher, and I have no complaints. I've been to 2 of his office hours and he was extremely helpful each time. Also, he is NOT boring, which is something really unique about a math professor.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 31, 2014

I took Math 32A with Conley (not honors), and thought this was an easy (this could be because of how well he taught the material), well structured, very enjoyable class.

-Excellent lecturer: he goes over the concepts very clearly the first time and goes over them again during the next lecture (he spends the first 10 minutes on a “recall” section where he articulates the ideas from the previous lecture) and then goes over them again during the review session.
-Excellent review sessions: he comprehensively goes over literally everything that's going to show up on the midterm/final 2-3 days before the exam
-Easy material: Vectors and derivatives really aren't too hard, especially the way he teaches it. Some things are confusing at first (torque, component vectors of acceleration, curvature, critical values of 3 dimensional surfaces) but after attending the lecture and review session and doing the homework and practice exams, it really becomes pretty easy.
-Easy grading scheme: You can do poorly on one of the midterms and not have it count towards your grade. The first midterm is really easy, so even if you do poorly on the second midterm, it's really no big deal as long as you do well on the final.
-He gives out past exams to study with: These are amazing tools to use for studying, since you can see how he structures his questions and which concepts he generally emphasizes more in the tests. During fall 2014, he posted the actual midterm 1 and midterm 2, along with a past midterm 1 and a past final on CCLE, so if you take this class in the future, there are a lot of resources available for you to use.

-Takes forever to post grades: It takes him the better part of a month to get grades onto MyUcla, which is pretty annoying. However, this seems to be the fault of the TA’s, who it appears are responsible for posting the grades. Regardless of who’s fault it is, expect to wait a looooong time to get back grades.
-Doesn’t respond to emails: Sent him an email well before the second midterm, he didn’t respond. Left kind of a bad impression considering all of my other professors usually respond the same day. In Conley’s defense though, I’m sure he doesn’t have the time to respond to all of the emails he gets because he’s a popular professor.

Overall, the pros far outweigh the cons, and 32A with Conley is a class that I would recommend to anyone who is able to sign up for it


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Dec. 20, 2013

ACTUAL Course(s) Taken: Life Science 30A

He is definitely ONE OF THE BEST professors at UCLA. Conley cares so much about all his students and he will work with anyone struggling in the class. Sometimes instead of them asking him for help, Conley will go up to the students and offer a one-on-one appointment with him. And it's not cause he has free time or anything - he just genuinely cares about his students. No other professor in UCLA is that nice.

As for the class itself, it's a new math series tailored to pre-meds but it's very different from the math 3 series. Instead of focusing on calculus the class is based on vectors, Euler's Method, bifurcations, nullclines, chaos, etc. Basicly, it's more about mathematical applications to biological systems than it is about the different types of derivatives.

Bottom line: If you take LS 30A, take it with Conley.


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Nov. 11, 2014

Actual class taken: LS30A

Okay, so I have LS30A with Professor Conley this quarter, and he is REALLY awesome! I still can't believe that he knows my first name. That's incredible. The material is very interesting, and he is SUPER clear in his lectures. Sometimes, I think that the material we're learning is a bit too easy, but I feel that it's because Professor Conley is JUST THAT GOOD at explaining the concepts. The class isn't curved, which is awesome, and if you didn't do too well on the first midterm, the final can be worth 100%! Professor Conley truly believes that everyone in class can do well, and I believe in him too.

Now, I'm not much of a computer programmer, but I have to admit that I wouldn't be able to do as well in Sage without Jane and Myki. I can see that they truly want me to succeed in the class, and they explain concepts to us that REALLY clear. I wasn't quite understanding the "for-loop" for Sage for a while, and Myki gave me just the most intuitive understanding for it. At first, I always asked myself "WHY does this work that way, and WHY does Sage seem to show me an answer when I put some code in", and he gave me some breakthrough insight and some amazing explanations that all of a sudden, made things so clear. I asked him if he had office hours, but unfortunately, he's an undergraduate T/A, so he doesn't have office hours :( He's REALLY smart and SUPER nice :) He even gave us an impromptu midterm review before our midterm, which REALLY helped me for the exam. I think he'll be t/a-ing again next quarter, so be sure to find him! Also, Jane has office hours, but get there quick because they're always PACKED.

If you email Conley to set up a one on one appointment, he will make time for you, which is SUPER cool, especially considering how popular and busy Conley is.

You NEED to take this class with Conley!!!


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Quarter: N/A
Grade: N/A
Jan. 10, 2015

Let me first say that I have never been in Professor Conley's class, so I cannot comment on his exams or grading. However, I have been watching his old BruinCasts as a supplement to my own professor's lectures, and MAN IS HE GREAT! Professor Conley is very clear and thorough, and he has a way of explaining even tough concepts in a simplified manner so that you can actually learn. I especially like the way he helps you visualize mathematical concepts (through computer-generated models, for example). Once again, I cannot speak for his grading, but from his lectures, I think that he is a fantastic professor.


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6 of 18

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