Thomas Maierhofer
Department of Statistics
Overall Rating
Based on 20 Users
Easiness 4.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.7 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

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Reviews (15)

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Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
May 29, 2024

This class is an intro class so definitely on the easier side, but it is important to stay on track with assignments and labs, and avoid falling behind as much as possible because catching up is a lot of work. If you stay on top of course materials, this class should be okay for you!


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
April 1, 2024

Very easy class concept-wise but I would add a BEWARE. I took AP Stats before, had an A+ the entire time, loved stats, but this class was just structured a little differently. The class was relatively simple albeit a bit boring. The labs required coding which was confusing to newer coders but if you have a good TA (I had Klauss - ABSOLUTE goat) - it was definitely doable. The 8am lecture is definitely a bit dull; if you do take the class with Maierhofer, I would HIGHLY recommend taking advantage of the extra credit points and try to get top on the Kahoot so you could get those generous extra credit points. As one can see, the grading distribution is a bit discouraging; Maierhofer does not round (I think I had a 89.54 and he would not round up), and the grades aren't curved. It was a bit frustrating because the exams were out of about 32 points, so even if you get a couple questions wrong you're kinda screwed out of an A. Overall, take this class but be proactive and be wary for sure.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 15, 2024

Easy class! Tests are MCQ and very similar to the Practice ones he gives. Go for all the discussions to make sure you do well in your labs. He also has an extra credit assignment at the end of the quarter which is very helpful. Definitely take this class if it's available.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 14, 2024

I only recently found out this is only his first year teaching stats as a professor which honestly shocked me, because Professor Maierhofer's lectures are super organized and easy to follow. To be honest, the assigned readings weren't necessary prior to coming to class (or at all tbh), but they were good for previewing the lecture content and reading whenever I needed more clarification. There were assigned hw quizzes, 2 each week which were meant to be completed before each lecture, but the due date was Friday midnight (you can redo it as many times as you want so guaranteed 100.) He also records his lectures separately, but I found his class easier to follow in-person. The recordings are fine, but a little bland and hard to pay attention to. I'd never taken stats before and have very little coding experience, and didn't feel like I was ever struggling or falling behind. There were also several extra credit opportunities, and I feel like so long as you put the necessary work into it, you should get a good grade.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 12, 2024

Maierhofer is a great professor! Very helpful, kind teacher that made me feel welcome asking questions. His daily Kahoot questions in class kept me engaged while not feeling too high-stakes, and despite having an 8am, it was worth it. My one suggestion is that sometimes we run out of time during class to finish the slides/lecture, which we end up having to cover at the beginning of the next lecture.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
March 12, 2024

Professor Maierhofer is a very engaging lecturer who always delivers material, which can sometimes be challenging, in a clear and concise manner. He has a great understanding of statistics and is also very kind to his students, always encouraging them to come to office hours and seek help if needed. He is a great communicator and I loved the layout of his BruinLearn page, which allows students to ask questions on the class discussion board. The homework assignments and exams for this class were fair and an accurate portrayal of the content we learned during class. Despite not being a stats or math person, I absolutely loved taking this professor and I would absolutely recommend his class to anyone looking to fulfill the Stats 10 requirement.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Feb. 9, 2024

I took this class because it was a prereq to my major and it was alright. Maeirhofer is a pretty average teacher, he is a boring lecturer but good at responding to his emails and seemed receptive to the needs of the class which was nice. The coding was hard because it wasn’t discussed in lecture, only section and my TA was not a very good teacher. Avoid having Zhi Zhang as your TA if you can, sections were completely useless and frustrating with him. On the bright side, the labs are very easy to find on the internet and copy. But, if you are going into a major that uses more coding, you will want to actually learn it, not just copy it and you should make sure to get a good TA. The lectures, homeworks, and quizzes are all very easy but the midterm was a lot harder than these things, which I felt unprepared for and did poorly on, even after acing all other aspects of the class so watch out for that. You are allowed cheat sheets for midterm and final but don’t get too comfortable with that, the midterm was hard. Also I didn’t mind at all taking it at 8am because all lectures are recorded and I could skip as much as I wanted without falling behind.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Jan. 10, 2024

Professor Maierhofer was great – super clear, helpful, and prepared interesting and engaging lectures (with Kahoots for bonus points on the final grade). Exams were very manageable, and the homework and labs were straightforward. Would highly recommend this class.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Dec. 30, 2023

This class is almost identical to AP stats but with a bit of R programming on top. The tests shouldn't be too bad as long as you do all the quizzes and make sure you understand the content on them (its really easy not to since they have infinite attempts). The labs aren't really relevant to the tests and the TA's give out the answers to them in discussion and the hws are really easy. I know it sounds like a lot of work but it's really not. I thought the class was pretty easy overall.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Dec. 26, 2023

Probably one of the easier classes I've taken. The homework and lab answers are given to you in discussion, while the midterm and final were pretty straightforward. You also get extra credit if you do a bonus assignment. 15% of the people got A+, and 20% got A, which is a very nice distribution for a GPA boost.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Spring 2024
Grade: A
May 29, 2024

This class is an intro class so definitely on the easier side, but it is important to stay on track with assignments and labs, and avoid falling behind as much as possible because catching up is a lot of work. If you stay on top of course materials, this class should be okay for you!


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: B+
April 1, 2024

Very easy class concept-wise but I would add a BEWARE. I took AP Stats before, had an A+ the entire time, loved stats, but this class was just structured a little differently. The class was relatively simple albeit a bit boring. The labs required coding which was confusing to newer coders but if you have a good TA (I had Klauss - ABSOLUTE goat) - it was definitely doable. The 8am lecture is definitely a bit dull; if you do take the class with Maierhofer, I would HIGHLY recommend taking advantage of the extra credit points and try to get top on the Kahoot so you could get those generous extra credit points. As one can see, the grading distribution is a bit discouraging; Maierhofer does not round (I think I had a 89.54 and he would not round up), and the grades aren't curved. It was a bit frustrating because the exams were out of about 32 points, so even if you get a couple questions wrong you're kinda screwed out of an A. Overall, take this class but be proactive and be wary for sure.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
March 15, 2024

Easy class! Tests are MCQ and very similar to the Practice ones he gives. Go for all the discussions to make sure you do well in your labs. He also has an extra credit assignment at the end of the quarter which is very helpful. Definitely take this class if it's available.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: N/A
March 14, 2024

I only recently found out this is only his first year teaching stats as a professor which honestly shocked me, because Professor Maierhofer's lectures are super organized and easy to follow. To be honest, the assigned readings weren't necessary prior to coming to class (or at all tbh), but they were good for previewing the lecture content and reading whenever I needed more clarification. There were assigned hw quizzes, 2 each week which were meant to be completed before each lecture, but the due date was Friday midnight (you can redo it as many times as you want so guaranteed 100.) He also records his lectures separately, but I found his class easier to follow in-person. The recordings are fine, but a little bland and hard to pay attention to. I'd never taken stats before and have very little coding experience, and didn't feel like I was ever struggling or falling behind. There were also several extra credit opportunities, and I feel like so long as you put the necessary work into it, you should get a good grade.


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Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 12, 2024

Maierhofer is a great professor! Very helpful, kind teacher that made me feel welcome asking questions. His daily Kahoot questions in class kept me engaged while not feeling too high-stakes, and despite having an 8am, it was worth it. My one suggestion is that sometimes we run out of time during class to finish the slides/lecture, which we end up having to cover at the beginning of the next lecture.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Winter 2024
Grade: A
March 12, 2024

Professor Maierhofer is a very engaging lecturer who always delivers material, which can sometimes be challenging, in a clear and concise manner. He has a great understanding of statistics and is also very kind to his students, always encouraging them to come to office hours and seek help if needed. He is a great communicator and I loved the layout of his BruinLearn page, which allows students to ask questions on the class discussion board. The homework assignments and exams for this class were fair and an accurate portrayal of the content we learned during class. Despite not being a stats or math person, I absolutely loved taking this professor and I would absolutely recommend his class to anyone looking to fulfill the Stats 10 requirement.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Feb. 9, 2024

I took this class because it was a prereq to my major and it was alright. Maeirhofer is a pretty average teacher, he is a boring lecturer but good at responding to his emails and seemed receptive to the needs of the class which was nice. The coding was hard because it wasn’t discussed in lecture, only section and my TA was not a very good teacher. Avoid having Zhi Zhang as your TA if you can, sections were completely useless and frustrating with him. On the bright side, the labs are very easy to find on the internet and copy. But, if you are going into a major that uses more coding, you will want to actually learn it, not just copy it and you should make sure to get a good TA. The lectures, homeworks, and quizzes are all very easy but the midterm was a lot harder than these things, which I felt unprepared for and did poorly on, even after acing all other aspects of the class so watch out for that. You are allowed cheat sheets for midterm and final but don’t get too comfortable with that, the midterm was hard. Also I didn’t mind at all taking it at 8am because all lectures are recorded and I could skip as much as I wanted without falling behind.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Jan. 10, 2024

Professor Maierhofer was great – super clear, helpful, and prepared interesting and engaging lectures (with Kahoots for bonus points on the final grade). Exams were very manageable, and the homework and labs were straightforward. Would highly recommend this class.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 30, 2023

This class is almost identical to AP stats but with a bit of R programming on top. The tests shouldn't be too bad as long as you do all the quizzes and make sure you understand the content on them (its really easy not to since they have infinite attempts). The labs aren't really relevant to the tests and the TA's give out the answers to them in discussion and the hws are really easy. I know it sounds like a lot of work but it's really not. I thought the class was pretty easy overall.


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Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 26, 2023

Probably one of the easier classes I've taken. The homework and lab answers are given to you in discussion, while the midterm and final were pretty straightforward. You also get extra credit if you do a bonus assignment. 15% of the people got A+, and 20% got A, which is a very nice distribution for a GPA boost.


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1 of 2
Overall Rating
Based on 20 Users
Easiness 4.4 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.2 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 4.7 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.3 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


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