Sam Emaminejad
Most Helpful Review
Fall 2023 - The class itself was pretty easy. Pretty much a review of vector calculus and physics E&M from an engineering perspective with a slight introduction to electromagnetic waves and transmission lines nearing the end of the quarter. The content, especially for electromagnetic waves, sometimes did not seem that intuitive since there were many random Greek symbols flying out of nowhere. However, looking back, it wasn't so bad. Transmission lines and using the smith chart was fun, too (to me at least). As long as you do some extra studying and possibly look at some other online resources, you should be fine. The professor is a great guy, but an okay professor. He's not that engaging, and his lectures are difficult to follow at times. Since he posts his lectures (from COVID) online, you don't have to attend in person, and you'll be able to grasp the same material, since he pretty much goes over the same stuff. HW's, midterm and final were fair and straightforward (and provided a lot of partial credit/lenient grading). Quiz was questionable? I felt that there was some random stuff in there, but that could just be me. However, he does emphasize that he "doesn't like to surprise his students" when it comes to the exams, it does seem like that is the case. Also, if you can't seem to follow along, use the textbook. The slides/content he covers in class are pretty much the same as you'd see in the textbook. Half of his exam questions were also on there, so I'd highly recommend it as a resource when studying. Overall, the class was interesting, the professor was alright, the exams were fair (and I'd say on the easier side), and looking back, I shouldn't have worried about this class as much as I did. I definitely would say this would be one of your easier classes to take in the EE curriculum when taking Sam. I'd definitely recommend!
Fall 2023 - The class itself was pretty easy. Pretty much a review of vector calculus and physics E&M from an engineering perspective with a slight introduction to electromagnetic waves and transmission lines nearing the end of the quarter. The content, especially for electromagnetic waves, sometimes did not seem that intuitive since there were many random Greek symbols flying out of nowhere. However, looking back, it wasn't so bad. Transmission lines and using the smith chart was fun, too (to me at least). As long as you do some extra studying and possibly look at some other online resources, you should be fine. The professor is a great guy, but an okay professor. He's not that engaging, and his lectures are difficult to follow at times. Since he posts his lectures (from COVID) online, you don't have to attend in person, and you'll be able to grasp the same material, since he pretty much goes over the same stuff. HW's, midterm and final were fair and straightforward (and provided a lot of partial credit/lenient grading). Quiz was questionable? I felt that there was some random stuff in there, but that could just be me. However, he does emphasize that he "doesn't like to surprise his students" when it comes to the exams, it does seem like that is the case. Also, if you can't seem to follow along, use the textbook. The slides/content he covers in class are pretty much the same as you'd see in the textbook. Half of his exam questions were also on there, so I'd highly recommend it as a resource when studying. Overall, the class was interesting, the professor was alright, the exams were fair (and I'd say on the easier side), and looking back, I shouldn't have worried about this class as much as I did. I definitely would say this would be one of your easier classes to take in the EE curriculum when taking Sam. I'd definitely recommend!
Most Helpful Review
Winter 2022 - Emaminejad is a good professor. His lectures are clear and the slides are very helpful. The tests were pretty difficult but looked similar to lecture. It's just too bad that semiconductors is a field invented by satan to torment EE students. Nothing about the field is intuitive. There are a bunch of random formulas/graphs and weird chemistry/physics. This class is very similar to ECE 2, so know that it is more of the same. I thought that this course would give me more of an insight and understanding, but I am still confused. Many things from ECE 2 were cleared up but a lot of the new material added to my confusion. I studied it the best I could and did pretty well in the course, but I feel like there is much more for me to learn if I wanted to work in fabrication. This is a core course and I would recommend taking it with Emaminejad. Other core courses I would recommend are 141 and 101B. There are some much worse core courses and professors that are more worth your two skips.
Winter 2022 - Emaminejad is a good professor. His lectures are clear and the slides are very helpful. The tests were pretty difficult but looked similar to lecture. It's just too bad that semiconductors is a field invented by satan to torment EE students. Nothing about the field is intuitive. There are a bunch of random formulas/graphs and weird chemistry/physics. This class is very similar to ECE 2, so know that it is more of the same. I thought that this course would give me more of an insight and understanding, but I am still confused. Many things from ECE 2 were cleared up but a lot of the new material added to my confusion. I studied it the best I could and did pretty well in the course, but I feel like there is much more for me to learn if I wanted to work in fabrication. This is a core course and I would recommend taking it with Emaminejad. Other core courses I would recommend are 141 and 101B. There are some much worse core courses and professors that are more worth your two skips.