
Koffi Enakoutsa

Overall Ratings
Based on 248 Users
Easiness 4.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.7 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 3.6 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.1 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (248)

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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 30, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

Koffi is pretty good. He is a very caring and humorous professor who obviously cares a lot about teaching. However, his lectures are sometimes a bit dull and not that helpful. I can't really say much about the lectures since I stopped going to them ever since week 2 (I think). Reading the book is essentially how I learned in this class. There are free versions of this book online, and Koffi's tests are very very easy (24 hrs during COVID-19, but idk will that change or not). The homework is way more difficult than the actual tests themselves, and overall it is not hard to get an A in Koffi's class. To summarize: easy A and read the book.


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Aug. 3, 2023
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: N/A

I don't think this class is as bad as some of the other comments suggest.
The exam content is entirely identical to what was covered in the review section (it's like they gave us practice exams) and they also provided an Improvement Test.
I've noticed a lot of people complaining about having too much homework. In fact, This class simply compresses the normal 10-week workload into 6 weeks (with frequent extensions on due dates and drops the three lowest grades.
As for the professor's handwriting, I don't think it's a big issue. In fact, his notes are relatively neat, with only some variations in the way he writes certain letters. Once you get used to his handwriting, his notes are still easy to read.


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April 4, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A-

No human being with a functioning brain should voluntarily take this class. Unless you have no other lectures open and your existence on planet earth was threatened if you didn't take this class, there should be NO reason to be taking ANY class with this guy. You can't understand what he's saying. You can't understand his handwriting and notes. He's behind on material but expects you to catch up on your own and gives BRUTALLY EXCRUCIATING questions that are ridiculously nonsense on the final to intentionally screw you up. Imagine learning an entirely new chapter (5 days before the final) because he told you to, and then getting the hardest question of that chapter on the final. Also, he doesn't know how to efficiently operate a keyboard, because 90% of the time it's impossible to even understand what he writes in his emails due to typos and outright NONSENSE sentences. If you struggle in this class and send him an email to ask a question or submit a regrade request, you will get the most morally corrupt, vile, degenerate, inhumane response known to man. If you want to be a functioning human being who contributes meaningfully to the betterment of society and the world, DO NOT take ANY class with this guy.


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April 7, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: C

I have never taken a class with students feeling so divided over the quality of a professor. People often joked about how all the positive bruinwalk reviews of Koffi are him with a bunch of fake accounts, and... Koffi is the exact kind of man who would do that. He is by far the worst professor I have had the misfortune of taking at UCLA, and truly should not be teaching. You will learn more if you skip class, don't even try reading his lecture notes (which are years old and all in cursive) and just read the textbook like its the religious text of your choice.

This brings up another issue: this class was so incredibly unorganized. Since week 1, Koffi was constantly 3-6 lectures behind schedule. The problem was that discussion sections didn’t take this into account, so the TA’s were always ahead of schedule. We were learning about TNB frames in section without even knowing cross product in lecture. Weekly homework also covered material from 1-2 weeks ago, which just completely threw off my groove. When I asked Koffi if he could post the upcoming homework earlier, he refused and responded with a rude email.

We all know Koffi is a poor lecturer. And if that was the only thing bad about him, he wouldn't be that bad. He actively fostered an unhealthy learning environment, taking the time out of each lecture to call the students on zoom lazy (literally for minutes on end). Now, I always attended lecture in person, but the fact that he wasted our time when he was already 2 weeks behind was… frustrating. He also went on tirades during office hours and review sessions about literally anything other than math. Oh, he also accidentally posted his response to being rejected from a job he applied for in the zoom chat. So that shows you where his priorities lay. Not with the students.

His midterms are slightly challenging, but nothing unexpected. The final was significantly more difficult, with lots of conceptual material asking you to prove whether conditions are true/false. This is content that he never mentioned in review sessions, and explicitly said he would not be including on the final. Though the homework (taken directly from the book) always included the challenge questions at the end of each chapter. Homework assignments took very long (because they had lots of challenge questions).

Koffi crammed a weeks worth of lecture material into the weekend before finals week, and assigned 2 or 3 weeks worth of homework during finals week. And held lecture during finals week. He also held virtual lecture on a federal holiday. This man expects you to treat this class like it is the only class you are taking.

Whenever I asked him a question or emailed him, he was extremely combative and outright rude. I’m not exaggerating when I say I felt like Koffi was low-key being a bully. I was having a conversation with him via email regarding grades, and after initially addressing him in the first email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa, I hope this email finds you well…” I followed standard email etiquette and in my second email to him in the chain, continued the conversation without readdressing him again. Well, he did NOT like that and said: “Hi: Have you forgotten the format of the email? Koffi E”. All because I did not begin every email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa”… I felt like he was just enjoying his power trip, which is such a shame.

Overall, Professor Koffi Enakoutsa (as that is how he likes to be addressed) near single-handedly made me change majors. Professors in the math department don’t need to try and make math enjoyable, but they shouldn’t actively make the process of learning math dreadful. And that is where Enakoutsa fails.


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April 4, 2023
Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B-

Do not take this class


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Dec. 20, 2022
Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: A-

To the trash who called Prof. Kofi a Trash Professor: you are the trash that should not be brought on this earth. I feel sorry for your mother...

That been said, Kofi is incredibly smart professor. Challenges you to think critically about every aspect of the topic he is teaching. Very thoughtful and considerate as well. Multivariable calculcus has been one of my favorite courses, and I suspect Professor Kofi will be one of the most influential professors I have as a student.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 24, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-

Class was mostly a review of Calc BC and I was beyond thankful I took it because everything taught in this class was so confusing in comparison. The only reason why I did well was because I already knew all of the material. The year started off very well, Koffi was very positive and helpful but this nice demeanor changed as the quarter went on. Towards the end he got very upset that people were not attending lectures despite the class being recorded and attendance not mandatory. Tests did not reflect the homework or questions went over during lecture. I easily spent at least six hours on every test so I was glad the math department made it mandatory that all exams were 24 hours. All I can say is that I’m glad this is the last math class I need to take.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 24, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Prof. Enakoutsa is a very nice person and does seem to care about his students. Unfortunately, it's hard to understand his lectures sometimes due to his accent and choppy mic. Sometimes he tries drawing diagrams during lectures, but, to be expected, it's hard to draw clear 3D diagrams, so you're better off looking at the book's diagrams. The prof almost never strays from the book's material, so when his lectures become hard to understand, just read the corresponding chapter in the book. Sometimes, the tests had vague/unclear questions, but Prof was pretty responsive and made sure to not include those types of questions on the final. I wouldn't actively try to take his class again because I feel the learning was a bit slow, but if I end up with him again, I wouldn't mind.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 25, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-

For background I took Calc AB in high school and struggled with it, but got a 5 on the (covid-altered) AP test. On the positive side of this course, Koffi does tend to email back quickly, a TA was always responsive on campuswire for questions, and he is overall a very reasonable guy. He will not screw you over just to screw you over, but his perception of your effort is really important. He will be pissed if a lot of people aren't showing up to lecture and if you email him questions he may cross check your email on the list of zoom attendants to see if you go to class. I don't care if people don't find the lectures helpful, at least get your classmates to log on and pretend they're paying attention because you will all have a better time. Like other people mentioned, the homework sets take a long time and some of the problems are graded for accuracy with the rest graded on completion. The first midterm around Week 4 wasn't too bad, the second one on the Friday of Week 9 was a good bit harder for me, and I spent 8 hours on the 24 hour final. The 30 min timed quizzes varied in difficulty but were on the easier side. We pretty much stuffed Taylor/Maclaurin series all into Week 10 (a lot of the material that we learned at the end was on the final) and we had never been tested on it prior. From what I can guess, the type of questions normally asked in-person on tests for a class like this would be easy to look up in all sorts of calculators that exist online, so they had to make the questions non-lookup-able. Do not go into the tests assuming you can just find the answers, you will absolutely have a dirt time. I did not attend his two review sessions but he offered them.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 25, 2020
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A

Enakoutsa is a very nice professor and truly wants every student to succeed. This is his first quarter here and he had a rough start with the pacing and had to post additional videos which I was not a fan of, but he quickly adapted and was more efficient. The homework amount was very reasonable, and going through slader for problems I did not know how to do helped a lot. He was not required to explain the conceptual part of the math, but when he did I didn't follow what he was saying very well.
The material for 32A is computational, and he does a good job at going through examples and answering questions and I would most definitely choose him again for this class if I were to go back, but for a non computational math class such as 32B I would be hesitant to choose him. His tests are very reasonable and GO TO THE REVIEW SESSIONS. He goes over exactly what you need to know and I found them very helpful.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
June 30, 2021

Koffi is pretty good. He is a very caring and humorous professor who obviously cares a lot about teaching. However, his lectures are sometimes a bit dull and not that helpful. I can't really say much about the lectures since I stopped going to them ever since week 2 (I think). Reading the book is essentially how I learned in this class. There are free versions of this book online, and Koffi's tests are very very easy (24 hrs during COVID-19, but idk will that change or not). The homework is way more difficult than the actual tests themselves, and overall it is not hard to get an A in Koffi's class. To summarize: easy A and read the book.


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MATH 164
Quarter: Summer 2023
Grade: N/A
Aug. 3, 2023

I don't think this class is as bad as some of the other comments suggest.
The exam content is entirely identical to what was covered in the review section (it's like they gave us practice exams) and they also provided an Improvement Test.
I've noticed a lot of people complaining about having too much homework. In fact, This class simply compresses the normal 10-week workload into 6 weeks (with frequent extensions on due dates and drops the three lowest grades.
As for the professor's handwriting, I don't think it's a big issue. In fact, his notes are relatively neat, with only some variations in the way he writes certain letters. Once you get used to his handwriting, his notes are still easy to read.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: A-
April 4, 2023

No human being with a functioning brain should voluntarily take this class. Unless you have no other lectures open and your existence on planet earth was threatened if you didn't take this class, there should be NO reason to be taking ANY class with this guy. You can't understand what he's saying. You can't understand his handwriting and notes. He's behind on material but expects you to catch up on your own and gives BRUTALLY EXCRUCIATING questions that are ridiculously nonsense on the final to intentionally screw you up. Imagine learning an entirely new chapter (5 days before the final) because he told you to, and then getting the hardest question of that chapter on the final. Also, he doesn't know how to efficiently operate a keyboard, because 90% of the time it's impossible to even understand what he writes in his emails due to typos and outright NONSENSE sentences. If you struggle in this class and send him an email to ask a question or submit a regrade request, you will get the most morally corrupt, vile, degenerate, inhumane response known to man. If you want to be a functioning human being who contributes meaningfully to the betterment of society and the world, DO NOT take ANY class with this guy.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: C
April 7, 2023

I have never taken a class with students feeling so divided over the quality of a professor. People often joked about how all the positive bruinwalk reviews of Koffi are him with a bunch of fake accounts, and... Koffi is the exact kind of man who would do that. He is by far the worst professor I have had the misfortune of taking at UCLA, and truly should not be teaching. You will learn more if you skip class, don't even try reading his lecture notes (which are years old and all in cursive) and just read the textbook like its the religious text of your choice.

This brings up another issue: this class was so incredibly unorganized. Since week 1, Koffi was constantly 3-6 lectures behind schedule. The problem was that discussion sections didn’t take this into account, so the TA’s were always ahead of schedule. We were learning about TNB frames in section without even knowing cross product in lecture. Weekly homework also covered material from 1-2 weeks ago, which just completely threw off my groove. When I asked Koffi if he could post the upcoming homework earlier, he refused and responded with a rude email.

We all know Koffi is a poor lecturer. And if that was the only thing bad about him, he wouldn't be that bad. He actively fostered an unhealthy learning environment, taking the time out of each lecture to call the students on zoom lazy (literally for minutes on end). Now, I always attended lecture in person, but the fact that he wasted our time when he was already 2 weeks behind was… frustrating. He also went on tirades during office hours and review sessions about literally anything other than math. Oh, he also accidentally posted his response to being rejected from a job he applied for in the zoom chat. So that shows you where his priorities lay. Not with the students.

His midterms are slightly challenging, but nothing unexpected. The final was significantly more difficult, with lots of conceptual material asking you to prove whether conditions are true/false. This is content that he never mentioned in review sessions, and explicitly said he would not be including on the final. Though the homework (taken directly from the book) always included the challenge questions at the end of each chapter. Homework assignments took very long (because they had lots of challenge questions).

Koffi crammed a weeks worth of lecture material into the weekend before finals week, and assigned 2 or 3 weeks worth of homework during finals week. And held lecture during finals week. He also held virtual lecture on a federal holiday. This man expects you to treat this class like it is the only class you are taking.

Whenever I asked him a question or emailed him, he was extremely combative and outright rude. I’m not exaggerating when I say I felt like Koffi was low-key being a bully. I was having a conversation with him via email regarding grades, and after initially addressing him in the first email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa, I hope this email finds you well…” I followed standard email etiquette and in my second email to him in the chain, continued the conversation without readdressing him again. Well, he did NOT like that and said: “Hi: Have you forgotten the format of the email? Koffi E”. All because I did not begin every email with “Dear Professor Enakoutsa”… I felt like he was just enjoying his power trip, which is such a shame.

Overall, Professor Koffi Enakoutsa (as that is how he likes to be addressed) near single-handedly made me change majors. Professors in the math department don’t need to try and make math enjoyable, but they shouldn’t actively make the process of learning math dreadful. And that is where Enakoutsa fails.


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Quarter: Winter 2023
Grade: B-
April 4, 2023

Do not take this class


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Quarter: Summer 2022
Grade: A-
Dec. 20, 2022

To the trash who called Prof. Kofi a Trash Professor: you are the trash that should not be brought on this earth. I feel sorry for your mother...

That been said, Kofi is incredibly smart professor. Challenges you to think critically about every aspect of the topic he is teaching. Very thoughtful and considerate as well. Multivariable calculcus has been one of my favorite courses, and I suspect Professor Kofi will be one of the most influential professors I have as a student.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-
Dec. 24, 2020

Class was mostly a review of Calc BC and I was beyond thankful I took it because everything taught in this class was so confusing in comparison. The only reason why I did well was because I already knew all of the material. The year started off very well, Koffi was very positive and helpful but this nice demeanor changed as the quarter went on. Towards the end he got very upset that people were not attending lectures despite the class being recorded and attendance not mandatory. Tests did not reflect the homework or questions went over during lecture. I easily spent at least six hours on every test so I was glad the math department made it mandatory that all exams were 24 hours. All I can say is that I’m glad this is the last math class I need to take.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 24, 2020

Prof. Enakoutsa is a very nice person and does seem to care about his students. Unfortunately, it's hard to understand his lectures sometimes due to his accent and choppy mic. Sometimes he tries drawing diagrams during lectures, but, to be expected, it's hard to draw clear 3D diagrams, so you're better off looking at the book's diagrams. The prof almost never strays from the book's material, so when his lectures become hard to understand, just read the corresponding chapter in the book. Sometimes, the tests had vague/unclear questions, but Prof was pretty responsive and made sure to not include those types of questions on the final. I wouldn't actively try to take his class again because I feel the learning was a bit slow, but if I end up with him again, I wouldn't mind.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-
Dec. 25, 2020

For background I took Calc AB in high school and struggled with it, but got a 5 on the (covid-altered) AP test. On the positive side of this course, Koffi does tend to email back quickly, a TA was always responsive on campuswire for questions, and he is overall a very reasonable guy. He will not screw you over just to screw you over, but his perception of your effort is really important. He will be pissed if a lot of people aren't showing up to lecture and if you email him questions he may cross check your email on the list of zoom attendants to see if you go to class. I don't care if people don't find the lectures helpful, at least get your classmates to log on and pretend they're paying attention because you will all have a better time. Like other people mentioned, the homework sets take a long time and some of the problems are graded for accuracy with the rest graded on completion. The first midterm around Week 4 wasn't too bad, the second one on the Friday of Week 9 was a good bit harder for me, and I spent 8 hours on the 24 hour final. The 30 min timed quizzes varied in difficulty but were on the easier side. We pretty much stuffed Taylor/Maclaurin series all into Week 10 (a lot of the material that we learned at the end was on the final) and we had never been tested on it prior. From what I can guess, the type of questions normally asked in-person on tests for a class like this would be easy to look up in all sorts of calculators that exist online, so they had to make the questions non-lookup-able. Do not go into the tests assuming you can just find the answers, you will absolutely have a dirt time. I did not attend his two review sessions but he offered them.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 25, 2020

Enakoutsa is a very nice professor and truly wants every student to succeed. This is his first quarter here and he had a rough start with the pacing and had to post additional videos which I was not a fan of, but he quickly adapted and was more efficient. The homework amount was very reasonable, and going through slader for problems I did not know how to do helped a lot. He was not required to explain the conceptual part of the math, but when he did I didn't follow what he was saying very well.
The material for 32A is computational, and he does a good job at going through examples and answering questions and I would most definitely choose him again for this class if I were to go back, but for a non computational math class such as 32B I would be hesitant to choose him. His tests are very reasonable and GO TO THE REVIEW SESSIONS. He goes over exactly what you need to know and I found them very helpful.


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