Jessica Collett
Department of Sociology
Overall Rating
Based on 56 Users
Easiness 3.8 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.8 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.3 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Engaging Lectures
  • Gives Extra Credit
  • Useful Textbooks
  • Uses Slides
  • Needs Textbook
  • Participation Matters
  • Would Take Again

Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.


Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.

Clear marks

Sorry, no enrollment data is available.


Reviews (47)

2 of 5
2 of 5
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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Dec. 30, 2020

If you're looking to take this as a GE, don't. There are easier GEs out there. I took this as a major prep course so I didn't mind the workload as much, but those who took it as a GE were disappointed when it turned out to be much harder than they expected.
With that said, if you want to take this class because you're majoring in sociology, then Professor Collett is the one to take! I developed such a great understanding about the field of sociology because of the way that she taught and explained the topics.
If you take this class, make sure to show up to her weekly Sunday Q&As!! Barely anyone went but I showed up as often as possible and these sessions really helped me solidify my learning. I think that these Q&As are the reason I did so well in the class. Because not many people showed up to them, the small group of people that came regularly got to know the professor very well and it helped me feel more comfortable to ask questions and develop a sense of community during online learning.
Because it's asynchronous and flipped, you need to be a little disciplined in getting things done early. I'm a big procrastinator so I often found myself doing the entire week's worth of stuff on Wednesday night, working right up to the midnight deadline.
I found the lectures very engaging, and because they were recorded, we had the added benefit of being able to pause them and replay certain parts to really get a better understanding. Get ready for a lot of reading! The reading is super interesting so sometimes I lost track of how much it really was, but it was a lot. There were also weekly timed quizzes that were not worth much but they made sure that you watched the lectures and read all the material.
One con was that the tests were a little too difficult. The tests consisted of 1/3 multiple choice, 1/3 short answer, and 1/3 essay. They were timed to be pretty short because she wanted to avoid any cheating, but because of this many of us struggled to finish them in time.
Finally, I didn't personally experience this, but I heard from some other people that she wasn't very accommodating when students had emergencies come up that conflicted with the class. If you know that you have a busy life where lots of things tend to come up, this might be something to think about.


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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Dec. 29, 2020

I took this as a fully asynchronous class, and the workload was extremely manageable. You learn 2-3 new topics each week through readings, lectures, and discussion forums. For most weeks, I completed all my work for the week in one day. I will say that the readings could be long and tedious at times, but they were usually pretty interesting as well. Professor Collett's lectures are also great because she always includes clear analogies and examples for the concepts that she introduces. Though the exams for this class weren't cumulative in the traditional sense, I still found them to be somewhat difficult. After the second midterm, Professor Collett showed us the grade distributions for the class and the average grade was an A. Overall I'd definitely recommend this class. Professor Collett is a great professor, the content is very interesting, and the workload is not bad at all.


1 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Dec. 25, 2020

(COVID-19 Review)


Grading: 25 Quizzes with the lowest 5 dropped 12%, 2 Discussion Forum Posts per week 18%, 1 Homework assignment per week of varying sizes and difficulties 16%, Section Engagement (attendance for discussions) 6%, Group Effort (based on peer evaluations from group work) 2%, Exams 46% (1 "mini" exam aka midterm 1, 1 full-length exam aka midterm 2, 1 final)


If you pay attention to the dates on the reviews, you might notice that some of the reviews with more complaints are from COVID times such as fall quarter 2020. I don't feel this particular class and its workload translated the best into online learning, at least not as an asynchronous class; personally, I sometimes found it difficult to manage and found that it sucked some time from my day (admittedly I'm not superb at time management though). Of course, I think some people are also coming in just expecting this class to be an "easy A" GE because they've heard that's how Sociol 1 is in general. I don't think you can come into this class with that mindset expecting that you'll just breeze through; don’t think you won't have to take it seriously. Some people are using this class to fulfill requirements beyond GEs, such as pre-major requirements for Socio and Comm majors and in some cases Med School Requirements, which probably factors in here. The other part of that is probably the type of person you are, like if you're more STEM-oriented and into problem-solving you'll like it less than someone who's more social science and humanities oriented and into keeping up with current events in the news or reading papers on social phenomena. I’m a south campus major and had some struggles with this class, though I did work hard enough to get the A in the end.


Onto how the actual class was. This class was asynchronous this quarter so lectures were pre-recorded but discussions were live. Professor Collett is a sweet and kind person and she does seem to want her students to succeed. In her lecture videos, she made efforts to explain concepts as clearly as possible and give real-life examples that make sense. They were structured in a way that flowed and she didn’t use slides, but rather showed herself talking in a neutral environment with photos and video clips related to relevant examples edited in (I think these were actually professionally filmed somehow? Not entirely sure but she mentioned she had a few acting lessons in order to have more open body language and clear speech before shooting the videos). Sometimes I found that certain terms and concepts seemed very similar to each other and had trouble distinguishing them, but talking it out with peers helped, and while I didn't attend office hours many times I'm sure she'd be more than willing to help you with things that confused you. Some of the concepts will appear confusing, so get the clarification you need when you need it!


Readings were probably one of the main factors that made this class feel heavy. There were usually at least 2 readings corresponding to each lecture video with 2-3 lectures per week depending on the topic. On the surface that doesn't sound like it's too bad and on the weeks where each reading was only 3-4 pages it wasn't. Unfortunately, some of those readings were rather dense, the longest one coming out to around 20 or so pages, which wouldn't be a lot if I was reading, say, Harry Potter, but the font size on the readings was small, there were usually 2 columns of text per page, and the subject was sociology rather than magical boy wizards. That's not to say the readings were uninteresting or unengaging, but all the same, it was school work and not pleasure reading, so I didn’t exactly look forward to all the 20 page readings. Some people expressed their feelings that the amount of reading was a bit too much, but Professor Collett maintained that it was an appropriate amount for a 5 unit class (not sure if I 100% agree but I digress). If you're invested in this subject or simply like reading just for reading's sake you'll get along just fine. If you don't like to read just to read, you'll want to manage your time well and make a schedule for when to do your reading so you aren't stuck trying to skim through it frantically at a weird hour, especially when the class is asynchronous and you have to schedule times to watch lectures on top of it. Try to find aspects of each topic you find compelling and concentrate on those to get yourself through it.


Some people also found the quizzes rather tedious, which to some extent was understandable. Professor always told us to focus on the big picture rather than the details but sometimes the questions seemed oddly specific and detailed. When we pointed this out to her though, she altered the questions slightly which made it feel better. Typically there was one quiz per lecture+reading group. Quizzes were 5 MC questions on a 5 minute time limit, so even though you were technically allowed to look at the reading or your notes, that only helped so much. That said the 5 lowest scores were thrown out, and when over 50% of the class misses a quiz question, she gives back the point to everyone which ultimately helped me get full marks in the quiz category. Some homework assignments were easy, others were more like essays and were more time consuming, but ultimately none of the homework was particularly difficult in my opinion. Discussion forum posts were also easy, as long as your response was somewhat thoughtful and had some effort put into it. Discussion sections over zoom sometimes felt awkward, but that's just how things go. Just be sure to attend your discussion sections, participate when you have something to contribute, and try to communicate a bit with your group when you do group work.


Exams were overall moderate in terms of difficulty. The questions weren't impossible, but there was nothing you could just look up on the internet to find the answer. They were open book open note, but the time limit made it so that this feature was only marginally helpful. If you want to be prepared for the exams make sure you're really engaging with the material, utilizing your sociological imagination, understanding how concepts apply to real situations, and how they're interconnected with each other. None of the questions have answers that can just be handed to you, but if you put some time towards studying for the exam and you really engaged with the material, you can get a decent grade.


Ultimately I do think the knowledge I got through this class was solid and interesting and I will think more about what I learned when considering social situations as a result. That being said, I don't think this can be considered an easy A class. Don't take this class because you want an easy A, take this class because you have at least some interest in the subject and genuinely want to learn about it. If you're a procrastinator like me, make sure to improve your time management while taking this class, especially if it's online asynchronous. If you're more of a math/science person, beware the readings because those definitely took a chunk out of my time (again, time management! As mentioned before I, in fact, am a STEM major myself so this applied to me). Ultimately I might consider taking a sociology class with Professor Collett again, but only if I truly felt interested in the topic of the class and not because I wanted some easy class to fill units.


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Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Dec. 24, 2020

I took this class as a GE. While the class was interesting, it was also a ton of work, more than I expected. Each week we had readings, lectures, and quizzes due Wednesday, then discussion posts on Thursday and Friday. Every part of the class was tied to our understanding of the weekly readings, so these were really important. The class was a lot of work, but I really enjoyed learning the basics of sociology.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 10, 2020

Absolute best class I've taken at UCLA yet!! I'm selling the required textbook text me **********


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 4, 2020

Prof. Collett was amazing. The readings for this class are very intriguing and eye opening. We did not have a textbook, rather a book of journal articles, ethnographies , etc. Her class is not structured solely around tests, participation, assignments, and in lecture quizzes are all portions of the grading. Her tests are MC and short answers directly related to assigned readings and lecture topics.

I thoroughly enjoyed this class and had an amazing TA (Angela) and definitely walked away from the class with a lot more than just a good grade :)


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 2, 2020

Professor Collett is one of the best, if not the best, teacher there is at UCLA. She is extremely organized with all of her tests and due dates. You will know when everything is due, all exam dates, and the grade breakdown before the first day you step into class. The exams aren’t hard as long as you go to class and keep up with the readings. She will often give away answers to clicker questions and exams if you listen in lecture. There are a lot of readings, but you don’t need to complete them before the clicker test because a lot of it is common sense. However, you should stay on top of them because they’re important and actually really interesting. Clicker questions are a downfall, but she does drop 6 of them and drops questions of over 50% of students get them wrong, so I ended up with some extra credit from them. The sections are helpful and she provides a lot of opportunities for study sessions before exams. 10/10 recommend this class.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Jan. 7, 2020

Professor Collett is so amazing!!!! Her class was really well organized and structured for optimal student learning. She really cares about her students and their success in the class. The material is super interesting and she is very engaging and does her best to make sure everyone is on the same page. the exams are not tricky, and if you attend class and understand the material you will be 100% fine. the only thing a little tricky are the essay portions of the exams because they require you to be VERY specific. This class was a 10/10!!
Side note: my TA, Holly, was super helpful and prepared us well for exams!!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Jan. 3, 2020

I'm honestly glad I took this class because I learned so much and most of it was interesting. The readings got burdensome sometimes but the iclicker quizzes every lecture kept you on top of your readings. I would say her tests were fair and she has this rule if less than 50% of the class misses a question she takes it out, and if you got it correct you get extra points (this goes for iclicker questions and tests). I realized I actually liked going to this lecture and it never seemed like a drag to get out of bed. She gives so many examples from readings and real life that help you visualize concepts. Take it, just do it.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 28, 2019

EASY GE. Studied less than 2 hours for all the midterms and final, and the lowest grade I got was a 94. The two midterms and the final are all the same length which was nice, because the final didn't stress me out (since it also wasn't cumulative). Lectures are engaging and she uses lots of examples that will pop up on exams. The only thing is that there are iClicker quizzes every class, on the readings for the day. Having readings due every class felt like a burden, but they usually only took me an hour to finish them, while also taking notes on them. Really easy to get an A in this class, hard to get an A+, I was less than 1 point away, but she only gives A+s to grades above 100%. Besides that, I would def recommend Soc 1 with Professor Collett for an easy A and interesting material! Holly was my TA and she was great too!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 30, 2020

If you're looking to take this as a GE, don't. There are easier GEs out there. I took this as a major prep course so I didn't mind the workload as much, but those who took it as a GE were disappointed when it turned out to be much harder than they expected.
With that said, if you want to take this class because you're majoring in sociology, then Professor Collett is the one to take! I developed such a great understanding about the field of sociology because of the way that she taught and explained the topics.
If you take this class, make sure to show up to her weekly Sunday Q&As!! Barely anyone went but I showed up as often as possible and these sessions really helped me solidify my learning. I think that these Q&As are the reason I did so well in the class. Because not many people showed up to them, the small group of people that came regularly got to know the professor very well and it helped me feel more comfortable to ask questions and develop a sense of community during online learning.
Because it's asynchronous and flipped, you need to be a little disciplined in getting things done early. I'm a big procrastinator so I often found myself doing the entire week's worth of stuff on Wednesday night, working right up to the midnight deadline.
I found the lectures very engaging, and because they were recorded, we had the added benefit of being able to pause them and replay certain parts to really get a better understanding. Get ready for a lot of reading! The reading is super interesting so sometimes I lost track of how much it really was, but it was a lot. There were also weekly timed quizzes that were not worth much but they made sure that you watched the lectures and read all the material.
One con was that the tests were a little too difficult. The tests consisted of 1/3 multiple choice, 1/3 short answer, and 1/3 essay. They were timed to be pretty short because she wanted to avoid any cheating, but because of this many of us struggled to finish them in time.
Finally, I didn't personally experience this, but I heard from some other people that she wasn't very accommodating when students had emergencies come up that conflicted with the class. If you know that you have a busy life where lots of things tend to come up, this might be something to think about.


1 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 29, 2020

I took this as a fully asynchronous class, and the workload was extremely manageable. You learn 2-3 new topics each week through readings, lectures, and discussion forums. For most weeks, I completed all my work for the week in one day. I will say that the readings could be long and tedious at times, but they were usually pretty interesting as well. Professor Collett's lectures are also great because she always includes clear analogies and examples for the concepts that she introduces. Though the exams for this class weren't cumulative in the traditional sense, I still found them to be somewhat difficult. After the second midterm, Professor Collett showed us the grade distributions for the class and the average grade was an A. Overall I'd definitely recommend this class. Professor Collett is a great professor, the content is very interesting, and the workload is not bad at all.


1 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Verified Reviewer This user is a verified UCLA student/alum.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A
Dec. 25, 2020

(COVID-19 Review)


Grading: 25 Quizzes with the lowest 5 dropped 12%, 2 Discussion Forum Posts per week 18%, 1 Homework assignment per week of varying sizes and difficulties 16%, Section Engagement (attendance for discussions) 6%, Group Effort (based on peer evaluations from group work) 2%, Exams 46% (1 "mini" exam aka midterm 1, 1 full-length exam aka midterm 2, 1 final)


If you pay attention to the dates on the reviews, you might notice that some of the reviews with more complaints are from COVID times such as fall quarter 2020. I don't feel this particular class and its workload translated the best into online learning, at least not as an asynchronous class; personally, I sometimes found it difficult to manage and found that it sucked some time from my day (admittedly I'm not superb at time management though). Of course, I think some people are also coming in just expecting this class to be an "easy A" GE because they've heard that's how Sociol 1 is in general. I don't think you can come into this class with that mindset expecting that you'll just breeze through; don’t think you won't have to take it seriously. Some people are using this class to fulfill requirements beyond GEs, such as pre-major requirements for Socio and Comm majors and in some cases Med School Requirements, which probably factors in here. The other part of that is probably the type of person you are, like if you're more STEM-oriented and into problem-solving you'll like it less than someone who's more social science and humanities oriented and into keeping up with current events in the news or reading papers on social phenomena. I’m a south campus major and had some struggles with this class, though I did work hard enough to get the A in the end.


Onto how the actual class was. This class was asynchronous this quarter so lectures were pre-recorded but discussions were live. Professor Collett is a sweet and kind person and she does seem to want her students to succeed. In her lecture videos, she made efforts to explain concepts as clearly as possible and give real-life examples that make sense. They were structured in a way that flowed and she didn’t use slides, but rather showed herself talking in a neutral environment with photos and video clips related to relevant examples edited in (I think these were actually professionally filmed somehow? Not entirely sure but she mentioned she had a few acting lessons in order to have more open body language and clear speech before shooting the videos). Sometimes I found that certain terms and concepts seemed very similar to each other and had trouble distinguishing them, but talking it out with peers helped, and while I didn't attend office hours many times I'm sure she'd be more than willing to help you with things that confused you. Some of the concepts will appear confusing, so get the clarification you need when you need it!


Readings were probably one of the main factors that made this class feel heavy. There were usually at least 2 readings corresponding to each lecture video with 2-3 lectures per week depending on the topic. On the surface that doesn't sound like it's too bad and on the weeks where each reading was only 3-4 pages it wasn't. Unfortunately, some of those readings were rather dense, the longest one coming out to around 20 or so pages, which wouldn't be a lot if I was reading, say, Harry Potter, but the font size on the readings was small, there were usually 2 columns of text per page, and the subject was sociology rather than magical boy wizards. That's not to say the readings were uninteresting or unengaging, but all the same, it was school work and not pleasure reading, so I didn’t exactly look forward to all the 20 page readings. Some people expressed their feelings that the amount of reading was a bit too much, but Professor Collett maintained that it was an appropriate amount for a 5 unit class (not sure if I 100% agree but I digress). If you're invested in this subject or simply like reading just for reading's sake you'll get along just fine. If you don't like to read just to read, you'll want to manage your time well and make a schedule for when to do your reading so you aren't stuck trying to skim through it frantically at a weird hour, especially when the class is asynchronous and you have to schedule times to watch lectures on top of it. Try to find aspects of each topic you find compelling and concentrate on those to get yourself through it.


Some people also found the quizzes rather tedious, which to some extent was understandable. Professor always told us to focus on the big picture rather than the details but sometimes the questions seemed oddly specific and detailed. When we pointed this out to her though, she altered the questions slightly which made it feel better. Typically there was one quiz per lecture+reading group. Quizzes were 5 MC questions on a 5 minute time limit, so even though you were technically allowed to look at the reading or your notes, that only helped so much. That said the 5 lowest scores were thrown out, and when over 50% of the class misses a quiz question, she gives back the point to everyone which ultimately helped me get full marks in the quiz category. Some homework assignments were easy, others were more like essays and were more time consuming, but ultimately none of the homework was particularly difficult in my opinion. Discussion forum posts were also easy, as long as your response was somewhat thoughtful and had some effort put into it. Discussion sections over zoom sometimes felt awkward, but that's just how things go. Just be sure to attend your discussion sections, participate when you have something to contribute, and try to communicate a bit with your group when you do group work.


Exams were overall moderate in terms of difficulty. The questions weren't impossible, but there was nothing you could just look up on the internet to find the answer. They were open book open note, but the time limit made it so that this feature was only marginally helpful. If you want to be prepared for the exams make sure you're really engaging with the material, utilizing your sociological imagination, understanding how concepts apply to real situations, and how they're interconnected with each other. None of the questions have answers that can just be handed to you, but if you put some time towards studying for the exam and you really engaged with the material, you can get a decent grade.


Ultimately I do think the knowledge I got through this class was solid and interesting and I will think more about what I learned when considering social situations as a result. That being said, I don't think this can be considered an easy A class. Don't take this class because you want an easy A, take this class because you have at least some interest in the subject and genuinely want to learn about it. If you're a procrastinator like me, make sure to improve your time management while taking this class, especially if it's online asynchronous. If you're more of a math/science person, beware the readings because those definitely took a chunk out of my time (again, time management! As mentioned before I, in fact, am a STEM major myself so this applied to me). Ultimately I might consider taking a sociology class with Professor Collett again, but only if I truly felt interested in the topic of the class and not because I wanted some easy class to fill units.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Fall 2020
Grade: A-
Dec. 24, 2020

I took this class as a GE. While the class was interesting, it was also a ton of work, more than I expected. Each week we had readings, lectures, and quizzes due Wednesday, then discussion posts on Thursday and Friday. Every part of the class was tied to our understanding of the weekly readings, so these were really important. The class was a lot of work, but I really enjoyed learning the basics of sociology.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 10, 2020

Absolute best class I've taken at UCLA yet!! I'm selling the required textbook text me **********


1 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 4, 2020

Prof. Collett was amazing. The readings for this class are very intriguing and eye opening. We did not have a textbook, rather a book of journal articles, ethnographies , etc. Her class is not structured solely around tests, participation, assignments, and in lecture quizzes are all portions of the grading. Her tests are MC and short answers directly related to assigned readings and lecture topics.

I thoroughly enjoyed this class and had an amazing TA (Angela) and definitely walked away from the class with a lot more than just a good grade :)


1 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Feb. 2, 2020

Professor Collett is one of the best, if not the best, teacher there is at UCLA. She is extremely organized with all of her tests and due dates. You will know when everything is due, all exam dates, and the grade breakdown before the first day you step into class. The exams aren’t hard as long as you go to class and keep up with the readings. She will often give away answers to clicker questions and exams if you listen in lecture. There are a lot of readings, but you don’t need to complete them before the clicker test because a lot of it is common sense. However, you should stay on top of them because they’re important and actually really interesting. Clicker questions are a downfall, but she does drop 6 of them and drops questions of over 50% of students get them wrong, so I ended up with some extra credit from them. The sections are helpful and she provides a lot of opportunities for study sessions before exams. 10/10 recommend this class.


1 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Jan. 7, 2020

Professor Collett is so amazing!!!! Her class was really well organized and structured for optimal student learning. She really cares about her students and their success in the class. The material is super interesting and she is very engaging and does her best to make sure everyone is on the same page. the exams are not tricky, and if you attend class and understand the material you will be 100% fine. the only thing a little tricky are the essay portions of the exams because they require you to be VERY specific. This class was a 10/10!!
Side note: my TA, Holly, was super helpful and prepared us well for exams!!


1 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Jan. 3, 2020

I'm honestly glad I took this class because I learned so much and most of it was interesting. The readings got burdensome sometimes but the iclicker quizzes every lecture kept you on top of your readings. I would say her tests were fair and she has this rule if less than 50% of the class misses a question she takes it out, and if you got it correct you get extra points (this goes for iclicker questions and tests). I realized I actually liked going to this lecture and it never seemed like a drag to get out of bed. She gives so many examples from readings and real life that help you visualize concepts. Take it, just do it.


1 0 Please log in to provide feedback.
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 28, 2019

EASY GE. Studied less than 2 hours for all the midterms and final, and the lowest grade I got was a 94. The two midterms and the final are all the same length which was nice, because the final didn't stress me out (since it also wasn't cumulative). Lectures are engaging and she uses lots of examples that will pop up on exams. The only thing is that there are iClicker quizzes every class, on the readings for the day. Having readings due every class felt like a burden, but they usually only took me an hour to finish them, while also taking notes on them. Really easy to get an A in this class, hard to get an A+, I was less than 1 point away, but she only gives A+s to grades above 100%. Besides that, I would def recommend Soc 1 with Professor Collett for an easy A and interesting material! Holly was my TA and she was great too!


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2 of 5
Overall Rating
Based on 56 Users
Easiness 3.8 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Clarity 4.8 / 5 How clear the class is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Workload 3.3 / 5 How much workload the class is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Helpfulness 4.6 / 5 How helpful the class is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.


  • Engaging Lectures
  • Gives Extra Credit
  • Useful Textbooks
  • Uses Slides
  • Needs Textbook
  • Participation Matters
  • Would Take Again

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