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Jeffrey Guhin
Based on 15 Users
Everyone loves Guhin, and he's a really sweet person and a caring, welcoming professor. However, I have to say as far as explaining the actual subject matter, I didn't find him that helpful. The lectures were a little too focused on his ideas and thoughts about the theorists and reading, rather helping students to understand the arguments of each theorist. You could come away from a lecture knowing Guhin's ideas and passions more than with a breakdown of the theory or argument, which is bad because later you have to write a lot of papers about that argument. TAs are helpful to a point with that but it's a crapshoot whether you get a helpful TA or not. In any case be prepared to read a lot and DO NOT get behind on reading.
He definitely cares about his students. The class went through a rough start, as he gave us super hard readings, but once the class gave him feedback the class was actually really doable and I was able to learn a lot from it. He is also funny. If just want the A it is doable, but not easy at all. If you really just want to learn I highly recommend.
This professor is THE best professor that I have had while at UCLA. He is the first professor at UCLA that I have had that genuinely cares about his students and their mental health. His lectures are very entertaining as he loves to make jokes and are also very engaging. He talks fast, so you have to pay attention in lecture but overall the course load and material is very manageable. I also highly recommend going to his office hours. I found them to be very beneficial to my understanding of the material and enjoyed discussing different theorists with him. 10/10 recommend this course.
Professor Guhin is very passionate about sociology and has very engaging lectures. He really cares about his student's mental health, makes jokes (be prepared for dad jokes!), and he's very approachable and kind. The study guides were a bit difficult in my opinion and sometimes during lecture, he placed more emphasis on his own thoughts about the sociologist in question. The tests were a bit tricky in my opinion, but maybe I should have taken better notes. If you take this class, take thorough notes and stay on track with the readings!
I am going to keep it real with all of you, there is not one person who I know that took this class and loved it. For all of my LS majors, I am still deciding whether this class is worth the extra GE credits. For other humanities majors I advise against taking this class unless you're really into learning about Islam.
I believe this class has potential but right now it is a little bit of a boring, confusing mess. The faculty involved in Global Islam are all very understanding and are really good at getting back to you. However, I found a lot of their instruction as vague. You are required to do about 3 hours of reading a week which is not fun because they are long and dense, but you have to read them and pay attention in class because you never know what will be asked on the weekly quizzes. The topic is very broad and although the professors try to centralize on the 4 "big themes", a lot of the information is random and doesn't exactly follow a pattern. Although I do like the professors as people, they somehow make the topic extremely boring. The research and writing specialists are nice, but are also not very helpful with the assignments.
The grading structure is based on 6 things. Attendance 10%, Participation 10%, Weekly Quizzes 20%, Response Paper 25%, Final Paper 20%, CoCurricular Activity 5%. The lowest quiz grade is dropped. There are 4 prompts for the response papers, you only have to do 3 of them, 500-600 words each. Final paper, 5-6 pages max, is broken down into 5 sections including related questions, articles, thesis and outline, revised thesis and outline, and final draft. I had a really difficult time figuring out what the paper needed. The directions and rubric were unclear and vague. The cocurricular is just a 2-3 hr activity you do outside of class and you have to write a 2 page response on it. The key to doing well in this class is building a good relationship with you TA, doing all the assignments, and participating in discussion. Your TA is your grader for everything so questions or details on assignments should be reviewed by them.
It is not inherently a difficult class, it is just a lot of work and it is not very fun. I do appreciate that faculty and staff are all a really nice and passionate about what they do but the structure and clarity needs a lot of work. Just prepare your friends and roommates for complaining about how much you dislike the class. I hope this helps.
Basic rundown: funny guy, cares about his students. talks the whole class - so recording lectures will probably help.
1)Midterm format: 20 questions multiple choice
-he has two midterms with 4 weeks worth of lectures in each one
2)Finals format (cumulative)
-50 multiple choice (fairly easy. 25 of them were from the midterms he gave us. you can study those very easily) and one essay. He gives you 6 prompts a week before the final and he choses two the day of your final and you write about one
HONESTLY: study with a group for the final and you will do just fine. I studied for the final for only one day and I feel like I did fine
I loved Professor Guhin. He gave super engaging lectures and really cares about his students. I put this class off until my very last quarter at UCLA because I hate theory so much, but he was such an amazing prof that I actually enjoyed the material. This class isn't easy but I had a really good TA and Guhin broke the material down really well in class and was super approachable. I wish I had more time at UCLA just so I could take more classes from him. Class had 2 midterms (each 20 multiple choice questions, not cumulative), 2 papers (1000 words for one and 2000 words for the other), and a final with 50 multiple choice (25 of the questions were repeated from the midterms and 25 new ones) and one long essay (he gave us 6 possible prompts ahead of time and put two on the final and we picked one). I would definitely recommend him he's the GOAT
Professor is really funny, makes dad jokes, the 3 quizzes are fair as long as you know the main arguments for the theorists. There are 2 papers you can basically write about any theorists from the class. Recommend!
He's a sweet professor! His class consist of 3 papers (1 is a rough draft outline, and one is a final). The papers are revolved around the theorist you choose, which choose wisely because theory is a bit complex. I had a picky TA when it came to my papers, however, the average grades for all these papers were 85-95. Most people got Low A's in their papers for the most part. Also final consist of 2 theorist you write that he chooses randomly for you!
Professor Guhin is amazing. He is very nice and heartwarming. However, by no means was this class an easy A. The content is difficult. Theory overall is difficult so if you want a good grade, be prepared to work for it. He gives out 12 hour grace periods for every assignment except the final, so make sure to take advantage of those opportunities.
Everyone loves Guhin, and he's a really sweet person and a caring, welcoming professor. However, I have to say as far as explaining the actual subject matter, I didn't find him that helpful. The lectures were a little too focused on his ideas and thoughts about the theorists and reading, rather helping students to understand the arguments of each theorist. You could come away from a lecture knowing Guhin's ideas and passions more than with a breakdown of the theory or argument, which is bad because later you have to write a lot of papers about that argument. TAs are helpful to a point with that but it's a crapshoot whether you get a helpful TA or not. In any case be prepared to read a lot and DO NOT get behind on reading.
He definitely cares about his students. The class went through a rough start, as he gave us super hard readings, but once the class gave him feedback the class was actually really doable and I was able to learn a lot from it. He is also funny. If just want the A it is doable, but not easy at all. If you really just want to learn I highly recommend.
This professor is THE best professor that I have had while at UCLA. He is the first professor at UCLA that I have had that genuinely cares about his students and their mental health. His lectures are very entertaining as he loves to make jokes and are also very engaging. He talks fast, so you have to pay attention in lecture but overall the course load and material is very manageable. I also highly recommend going to his office hours. I found them to be very beneficial to my understanding of the material and enjoyed discussing different theorists with him. 10/10 recommend this course.
Professor Guhin is very passionate about sociology and has very engaging lectures. He really cares about his student's mental health, makes jokes (be prepared for dad jokes!), and he's very approachable and kind. The study guides were a bit difficult in my opinion and sometimes during lecture, he placed more emphasis on his own thoughts about the sociologist in question. The tests were a bit tricky in my opinion, but maybe I should have taken better notes. If you take this class, take thorough notes and stay on track with the readings!
I am going to keep it real with all of you, there is not one person who I know that took this class and loved it. For all of my LS majors, I am still deciding whether this class is worth the extra GE credits. For other humanities majors I advise against taking this class unless you're really into learning about Islam.
I believe this class has potential but right now it is a little bit of a boring, confusing mess. The faculty involved in Global Islam are all very understanding and are really good at getting back to you. However, I found a lot of their instruction as vague. You are required to do about 3 hours of reading a week which is not fun because they are long and dense, but you have to read them and pay attention in class because you never know what will be asked on the weekly quizzes. The topic is very broad and although the professors try to centralize on the 4 "big themes", a lot of the information is random and doesn't exactly follow a pattern. Although I do like the professors as people, they somehow make the topic extremely boring. The research and writing specialists are nice, but are also not very helpful with the assignments.
The grading structure is based on 6 things. Attendance 10%, Participation 10%, Weekly Quizzes 20%, Response Paper 25%, Final Paper 20%, CoCurricular Activity 5%. The lowest quiz grade is dropped. There are 4 prompts for the response papers, you only have to do 3 of them, 500-600 words each. Final paper, 5-6 pages max, is broken down into 5 sections including related questions, articles, thesis and outline, revised thesis and outline, and final draft. I had a really difficult time figuring out what the paper needed. The directions and rubric were unclear and vague. The cocurricular is just a 2-3 hr activity you do outside of class and you have to write a 2 page response on it. The key to doing well in this class is building a good relationship with you TA, doing all the assignments, and participating in discussion. Your TA is your grader for everything so questions or details on assignments should be reviewed by them.
It is not inherently a difficult class, it is just a lot of work and it is not very fun. I do appreciate that faculty and staff are all a really nice and passionate about what they do but the structure and clarity needs a lot of work. Just prepare your friends and roommates for complaining about how much you dislike the class. I hope this helps.
Basic rundown: funny guy, cares about his students. talks the whole class - so recording lectures will probably help.
1)Midterm format: 20 questions multiple choice
-he has two midterms with 4 weeks worth of lectures in each one
2)Finals format (cumulative)
-50 multiple choice (fairly easy. 25 of them were from the midterms he gave us. you can study those very easily) and one essay. He gives you 6 prompts a week before the final and he choses two the day of your final and you write about one
HONESTLY: study with a group for the final and you will do just fine. I studied for the final for only one day and I feel like I did fine
I loved Professor Guhin. He gave super engaging lectures and really cares about his students. I put this class off until my very last quarter at UCLA because I hate theory so much, but he was such an amazing prof that I actually enjoyed the material. This class isn't easy but I had a really good TA and Guhin broke the material down really well in class and was super approachable. I wish I had more time at UCLA just so I could take more classes from him. Class had 2 midterms (each 20 multiple choice questions, not cumulative), 2 papers (1000 words for one and 2000 words for the other), and a final with 50 multiple choice (25 of the questions were repeated from the midterms and 25 new ones) and one long essay (he gave us 6 possible prompts ahead of time and put two on the final and we picked one). I would definitely recommend him he's the GOAT
Professor is really funny, makes dad jokes, the 3 quizzes are fair as long as you know the main arguments for the theorists. There are 2 papers you can basically write about any theorists from the class. Recommend!
He's a sweet professor! His class consist of 3 papers (1 is a rough draft outline, and one is a final). The papers are revolved around the theorist you choose, which choose wisely because theory is a bit complex. I had a picky TA when it came to my papers, however, the average grades for all these papers were 85-95. Most people got Low A's in their papers for the most part. Also final consist of 2 theorist you write that he chooses randomly for you!
Professor Guhin is amazing. He is very nice and heartwarming. However, by no means was this class an easy A. The content is difficult. Theory overall is difficult so if you want a good grade, be prepared to work for it. He gives out 12 hour grace periods for every assignment except the final, so make sure to take advantage of those opportunities.