
Hannah Kahng

Overall Ratings
Based on 15 Users
Easiness 2.1 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 2.2 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 2.5 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 2.2 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (15)

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Dec. 11, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A

You SHOULD take this class if:
- You are REALLY interested in art history and want to learn an (expedited version) of modern art over 10 weeks. This was my situation so I perhaps found the material more compelling (it's also a major requirement for me) than other people who took this for a GE. Also, since I'm an art history major I can tell that although the class's content could be overwhelming sometimes it will help me a lot in coming classes because it was really informative. So if you're a AH major or minor you should take this as a prerequisite.
- You are capable of writing compelling essays under pressure (anywhere from 10 to 30 mins) on a Blue Book, maybe you have some background of hand-writing essays from AP Comp in high school (although I did and I still struggled but maybe I was rusty)
- You are willing to keep up with the readings (like the other reviews said, anywhere from 20 to 100 pages a week). You might even have to print them out and highlight if possible, but it is necessary that you do the readings!! I know for some other humanities classes they're just a side so I didn't take them that seriously at first which was a big mistake.
- You are able to attend EVERY LECTURE and stay attentive and take notes on what she's saying. Like the other reviews said, she will not post them online, and even when she posted the artworks we needed to memorize, none of the concepts were written so it is imperative that you pay attention and go to class. Maybe record it if you have to.

Overall, I hope Prof Kahng / the TA's take the constructive feedback that is undoubtedly in our course evaluations. Hopefully there will be a switch up in a few things (ridiculous expectations for Final Exam considering it is a lower division class, big differences in TA's as far as the A's they handed out, etc). I learned a lot from this class which I'm grateful for, but a little peeved that some people in this class enjoyed the GPA boost because they lucked out from a nicer TA and I will probably end up with a lower one because mine was tougher.


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Dec. 20, 2023
Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A

- Attendance for lecture is not mandatory (but definitely should go to avoid studying for hours prior to the exams)
- Attendance for discussion is VERY mandatory (miss 3 and get an F)
- two midterms (one paper in class that needs to be revised, one exam with 4 essay questions)
- two finals (one 8-page research paper due 3 days before the final exam which is 6 essay questions)
What's needed for the exams:
- memorize all painting titles and artists (around 50 for each exam)
- know all of the painting movements and techniques
- read all of the section readings (lots of material, try to make a friend because the readings can be up to 80 pages and three are assigned a week)

This class is not for the weak. I enjoy art history but this class was my hardest by far. A ton of work, a ton of studying, and a painful amount of hand-writing. You need to be a good writer and you need to study. It is not forgiving.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: N/A
Dec. 11, 2023

You SHOULD take this class if:
- You are REALLY interested in art history and want to learn an (expedited version) of modern art over 10 weeks. This was my situation so I perhaps found the material more compelling (it's also a major requirement for me) than other people who took this for a GE. Also, since I'm an art history major I can tell that although the class's content could be overwhelming sometimes it will help me a lot in coming classes because it was really informative. So if you're a AH major or minor you should take this as a prerequisite.
- You are capable of writing compelling essays under pressure (anywhere from 10 to 30 mins) on a Blue Book, maybe you have some background of hand-writing essays from AP Comp in high school (although I did and I still struggled but maybe I was rusty)
- You are willing to keep up with the readings (like the other reviews said, anywhere from 20 to 100 pages a week). You might even have to print them out and highlight if possible, but it is necessary that you do the readings!! I know for some other humanities classes they're just a side so I didn't take them that seriously at first which was a big mistake.
- You are able to attend EVERY LECTURE and stay attentive and take notes on what she's saying. Like the other reviews said, she will not post them online, and even when she posted the artworks we needed to memorize, none of the concepts were written so it is imperative that you pay attention and go to class. Maybe record it if you have to.

Overall, I hope Prof Kahng / the TA's take the constructive feedback that is undoubtedly in our course evaluations. Hopefully there will be a switch up in a few things (ridiculous expectations for Final Exam considering it is a lower division class, big differences in TA's as far as the A's they handed out, etc). I learned a lot from this class which I'm grateful for, but a little peeved that some people in this class enjoyed the GPA boost because they lucked out from a nicer TA and I will probably end up with a lower one because mine was tougher.


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Quarter: Fall 2023
Grade: A
Dec. 20, 2023

- Attendance for lecture is not mandatory (but definitely should go to avoid studying for hours prior to the exams)
- Attendance for discussion is VERY mandatory (miss 3 and get an F)
- two midterms (one paper in class that needs to be revised, one exam with 4 essay questions)
- two finals (one 8-page research paper due 3 days before the final exam which is 6 essay questions)
What's needed for the exams:
- memorize all painting titles and artists (around 50 for each exam)
- know all of the painting movements and techniques
- read all of the section readings (lots of material, try to make a friend because the readings can be up to 80 pages and three are assigned a week)

This class is not for the weak. I enjoy art history but this class was my hardest by far. A ton of work, a ton of studying, and a painful amount of hand-writing. You need to be a good writer and you need to study. It is not forgiving.


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