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Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
Grade distributions are collected using data from the UCLA Registrar’s Office.
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Easiest class I have even taken. The first half of the quarter is basically the same with ap stats, and the second half consists of different hypothesis tests that are really similar to the ones in the first half. The test is in the form of multiple choice. While the wording is sometimes tricky, the content and format is exactly the same as practice. No attendance required for lectures and discussion, and they both have recordings. So, I definitely recommend it, and I wish all of my stem classes can be as easy as stats 13.
I honestly loved this class it was super manageable, and prof kim is super understanding. The homeworks were really easy and were a good grade booster because for each homework assignment he gives a practice one with answers and basically the same questions just different numbers if that makes sense. So you just look at the practice one and youll get a 100%. Exams were basically like the practice ones so mainly study those and the previous homework problems. Lab was also really easy and the TA's basically spoon feed the answers to the coding labs. I would def take this class with Prof Kim!!
Kim is pretty funny, but the lectures are pretty long and he doesn't have any lecture slides or anything. He basically writes on the chalkboard the entire time while talking very theoretically about stats which made it kind of hard to focus. Lecture and discussions are recorded and non mandatory which is amazing. Labs are gone through in the recorded discussions as well so pretty easy to get 100% on those... only thing was that I turned in Lab 1 in the wrong format and he has a policy of not allowing any late work or resubmissions no matter the scenario. So I got a 0 from Lab 1, however he does give 5% extra credit so it evened out. He gives practice homework and practice exams before all the homework and tests are due, which are very similar to the actual tests and homework.
Took this class for my major and though I was worried about the material at first it actually wasn't bad, especially for someone that has never taken stats before. There is homework about every week and it's all very manageable, using lecture notes (which you should def attend even though they're recorded) you can solve them all pretty fast and understand them pretty well. There is one midterm and one final, and even though the homework came easily to me, there were some questions on these tests which I struggled with because they weren't like they were on the homework. Even then, I did fine on them (plus you can bring in a page of notes!) If you take this class, definitely double and triple check your work, ask your TA to check, whatever you need, because if you make a mistake on something and the submit date has passed, you cannot fix your mistakes! I made a few stupid mistakes here and there and if I hadn't my grade would've been a good portion higher, but you live and you learn. Prof is strict with that type of stuff but besides that he's a nice guy and will be helpful, so don't be afraid to ask!
Professor Kim is a great choice for Stats 13! He is extremely clear and methodical with his expectations, and the class is structured in a manageable and straightforward manner. Professor Kim is helpful, answering questions during/after lecture and during office hours, and keeps the class engaged in lecture by asking us questions or making funny jokes.
This class consists of weekly homework, one midterm exam, one final exam, and labs (4 labs in whole quarter, so approximately due biweekly).
Grading Scheme:
Homework: 30% (Lowest HW Dropped), Labs 20%, Midterm 25%, Final 30%.
Therefore, this class is out of 105%, but the A cutoff is still a 92%, so you can think of it as 5% free extra credit. Therefore, Stats 13 with Professor Kim was quite easy to be successful in because the grading scheme was extremely generous.
Homeworks: Weekly homework assignments that would take 30-45 minutes. He provides a "practice homework" with solutions for each week's homework that is basically identical to the real homework, just with different numbers. Therefore, the homework is a very easy 30% of the grade. It is graded on accuracy, though, but with generous partial credit. Just refer to the practice homework and it's smooth.
Labs: The labs are programming in R. They are much easier than the LS 30A/B programming, and a lot of it is done in discussion section with the help of the TA. There were 4 labs this whole quarter.
Midterm: 20 question MCQ exam on a Scantron, in lecture Week 6.
Final: 25 question MCQ exam on a Scantron.
Although both exams were entirely multiple choice, they were still tricky because a lot of the questions are conceptual in nature and the wording/phrasing of the question and answer choices are extremely crucial. Additionally, every question had a "None of the Above" option, so process of elimination was unfortunately not a cop out. Regardless, the practice midterm and practice final provided by Dr. Kim beforehand are extremely representative of the problem types you will see on the real exams. In fact, a few questions were almost identical, just with slightly different numbers or answer choices. Additionally, one page handwritten cheat sheet was allowed for each exam, which was extremely helpful, because especially by the time of the final exam, there are a wide range of statistical tests and different contexts/situations in which to use them. Having it all written out on the cheat sheet greatly alleviates the stress of having to memorize the conditions/requirements/use cases of the 10+ statistical tests we learn by the end of the quarter.
Overall, this class was quite simple and intuitive. Professor Kim was clear and explained the concepts really well in lecture, so there was no scope for misunderstanding on the homeworks and exams. I would highly recommend Professor Kim for Stats 13!
Professor Kim is an AMAZING professor!!! I will literally always recommend him to anyone taking stats 13 in the future. I can tell he truly cares for his students and their ability to learn as well as their overall success in the course. He is probably one of the best STEM professors at UCLA who is genuine and has passion for his work and doesn't disregard that some students learn differently than others. He isn't at all like other STEM professors who could care less about the students success and only about teaching the class and doing research. The class exams were very fair and related to the material learned in the course. He provides resources, such as practice problems and multiple examples to ensure the success of his student's learning. He is also often funny and really approachable. I came into this class with not a very strong background in statistics and I'm telling you, I not only learned statistics, but UNDERSTOOD statistics through him. For clarity, I received an 11/20 on his midterm and went to talk to him during office hours to discuss how I could still ensure my success in his class and he was so understanding, validating and willing to work with me. literally a 10/10 professor. I can tell he's genuinely a good person outside of teaching. I normally don't care to write evaluations but I was literally so excited to write this review and talk about how good of a professor he is lol. That should tell you something!
Easiest class I have even taken. The first half of the quarter is basically the same with ap stats, and the second half consists of different hypothesis tests that are really similar to the ones in the first half. The test is in the form of multiple choice. While the wording is sometimes tricky, the content and format is exactly the same as practice. No attendance required for lectures and discussion, and they both have recordings. So, I definitely recommend it, and I wish all of my stem classes can be as easy as stats 13.
I honestly loved this class it was super manageable, and prof kim is super understanding. The homeworks were really easy and were a good grade booster because for each homework assignment he gives a practice one with answers and basically the same questions just different numbers if that makes sense. So you just look at the practice one and youll get a 100%. Exams were basically like the practice ones so mainly study those and the previous homework problems. Lab was also really easy and the TA's basically spoon feed the answers to the coding labs. I would def take this class with Prof Kim!!
Kim is pretty funny, but the lectures are pretty long and he doesn't have any lecture slides or anything. He basically writes on the chalkboard the entire time while talking very theoretically about stats which made it kind of hard to focus. Lecture and discussions are recorded and non mandatory which is amazing. Labs are gone through in the recorded discussions as well so pretty easy to get 100% on those... only thing was that I turned in Lab 1 in the wrong format and he has a policy of not allowing any late work or resubmissions no matter the scenario. So I got a 0 from Lab 1, however he does give 5% extra credit so it evened out. He gives practice homework and practice exams before all the homework and tests are due, which are very similar to the actual tests and homework.
Took this class for my major and though I was worried about the material at first it actually wasn't bad, especially for someone that has never taken stats before. There is homework about every week and it's all very manageable, using lecture notes (which you should def attend even though they're recorded) you can solve them all pretty fast and understand them pretty well. There is one midterm and one final, and even though the homework came easily to me, there were some questions on these tests which I struggled with because they weren't like they were on the homework. Even then, I did fine on them (plus you can bring in a page of notes!) If you take this class, definitely double and triple check your work, ask your TA to check, whatever you need, because if you make a mistake on something and the submit date has passed, you cannot fix your mistakes! I made a few stupid mistakes here and there and if I hadn't my grade would've been a good portion higher, but you live and you learn. Prof is strict with that type of stuff but besides that he's a nice guy and will be helpful, so don't be afraid to ask!
Professor Kim is a great choice for Stats 13! He is extremely clear and methodical with his expectations, and the class is structured in a manageable and straightforward manner. Professor Kim is helpful, answering questions during/after lecture and during office hours, and keeps the class engaged in lecture by asking us questions or making funny jokes.
This class consists of weekly homework, one midterm exam, one final exam, and labs (4 labs in whole quarter, so approximately due biweekly).
Grading Scheme:
Homework: 30% (Lowest HW Dropped), Labs 20%, Midterm 25%, Final 30%.
Therefore, this class is out of 105%, but the A cutoff is still a 92%, so you can think of it as 5% free extra credit. Therefore, Stats 13 with Professor Kim was quite easy to be successful in because the grading scheme was extremely generous.
Homeworks: Weekly homework assignments that would take 30-45 minutes. He provides a "practice homework" with solutions for each week's homework that is basically identical to the real homework, just with different numbers. Therefore, the homework is a very easy 30% of the grade. It is graded on accuracy, though, but with generous partial credit. Just refer to the practice homework and it's smooth.
Labs: The labs are programming in R. They are much easier than the LS 30A/B programming, and a lot of it is done in discussion section with the help of the TA. There were 4 labs this whole quarter.
Midterm: 20 question MCQ exam on a Scantron, in lecture Week 6.
Final: 25 question MCQ exam on a Scantron.
Although both exams were entirely multiple choice, they were still tricky because a lot of the questions are conceptual in nature and the wording/phrasing of the question and answer choices are extremely crucial. Additionally, every question had a "None of the Above" option, so process of elimination was unfortunately not a cop out. Regardless, the practice midterm and practice final provided by Dr. Kim beforehand are extremely representative of the problem types you will see on the real exams. In fact, a few questions were almost identical, just with slightly different numbers or answer choices. Additionally, one page handwritten cheat sheet was allowed for each exam, which was extremely helpful, because especially by the time of the final exam, there are a wide range of statistical tests and different contexts/situations in which to use them. Having it all written out on the cheat sheet greatly alleviates the stress of having to memorize the conditions/requirements/use cases of the 10+ statistical tests we learn by the end of the quarter.
Overall, this class was quite simple and intuitive. Professor Kim was clear and explained the concepts really well in lecture, so there was no scope for misunderstanding on the homeworks and exams. I would highly recommend Professor Kim for Stats 13!
Professor Kim is an AMAZING professor!!! I will literally always recommend him to anyone taking stats 13 in the future. I can tell he truly cares for his students and their ability to learn as well as their overall success in the course. He is probably one of the best STEM professors at UCLA who is genuine and has passion for his work and doesn't disregard that some students learn differently than others. He isn't at all like other STEM professors who could care less about the students success and only about teaching the class and doing research. The class exams were very fair and related to the material learned in the course. He provides resources, such as practice problems and multiple examples to ensure the success of his student's learning. He is also often funny and really approachable. I came into this class with not a very strong background in statistics and I'm telling you, I not only learned statistics, but UNDERSTOOD statistics through him. For clarity, I received an 11/20 on his midterm and went to talk to him during office hours to discuss how I could still ensure my success in his class and he was so understanding, validating and willing to work with me. literally a 10/10 professor. I can tell he's genuinely a good person outside of teaching. I normally don't care to write evaluations but I was literally so excited to write this review and talk about how good of a professor he is lol. That should tell you something!
Based on 18 Users
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