
Bernardo Silveira

Overall Ratings
Based on 30 Users
Easiness 3.3 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.8 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (30)

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July 2, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-

This professor is literally Mazzocco 2.0. His exams were all multiple choice and fairly easy and were very similar to the practice exam. He made Econ 101 one of the easiest econ classes I've taken but I messed up the midterms because I had other obligations and took them essentially with Econ 11 knowledge only. He also gives out grades based on cutoffs instead of using a departmental curve which was clutch. Overall, would highly recommend him. A small complaint is he really does not tolerate side chatter but besides that nothing bad about Bernardo


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Aug. 3, 2020
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B+

It was a good class. I would've gotten an A if I hadn't misread a question on the final which was actually very easy. Do the TA practice problems as they're essentially the same thing you'd get on the exam.


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ECON 189
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 25, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

For a seminar, the workload was on the heavier side. There was a weekly one-page assignment in which we had to break down the essential elements of the paper we were assigned to read. These elements included the research question, data sets, empirical challenges, and conclusions. We were also split into two-person teams for a single group project that required us to give a PowerPoint presentation of the above elements for a different paper from the one everyone was assigned for the week. The class is small—there were only 10 students—, so be prepared to know your stuff. You will not succeed if you choose to sit in the background and say nothing. The topic of the seminar, discrimination in the justice system, was extremely interesting and engaging. An overall great experience, especially if you are interested in research in the social sciences.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
May 5, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: C

Well, I passed, so that's the pro part. I came from the sad class of pizzas and champagne for Mazz's 11 class and so, comparatively, this class was slightly easier. I laugh at the ECON department instead, for just stressing students out and placing them in a tough situation because of classes like these. IMO, Bernardo tried HARD to help us out. However, with that dumb ECON curve, it is a system of failure that decreases students' academic and work opportunities with these weeder classes, and ironically, you would think economists would know better.

Class-wise, it was fine. The class is what is it is - more calculus than economics. Midterm was sad. Final was long afk = sad. What else is there to be said? Bernando really does his best though - Can't take that away from him.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 19, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: P

- Lectures were prerecorded and posted about 2 days before the lecture day. You're expected to watch the lectures before actual lecture days. You will be provided PPT lecture notes, and only need to write in the margins for some things.
- "QnA sessions" (similar to office hours) take place on lecture days, where you submit questions in a webinar-format. He ends class on-time, not a second over.
- Downside: You can't see questions other students have posted, thus forcing the professor to sort through duplicate questions in the sea of questions.
- Duration of each prerecorded lecture is (almost) always the exact duration as regular class would be.

- Grade turnaround is very slow.
- All multiple choice questions (Note: COVID-19, online quarter)
- Two midterms, 1 final exam. If you score better than both midterms on your final exam, he'll drop your lowest midterm.
- Proctored by T.A. over Zoom. Webcam is required.

- 4 problem sets are assigned for a grade. He drops your lowest problem set. 50% of the grade is based on completion. He will pick one of the questions to be graded for accuracy (for the other 50%).
- 3 additional problem sets and solutions are given, 1 just before each exam.
- NO late submission accepted.

- Uses email to share when prerecorded lectures are posted and when problem sets are uploaded.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 26, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

I would say that Professor Silveira is one of the better professors in the econ department. His lectures are concise and even though we covered a lot of topics, they weren't too hard to learn. However, the exams are definitely harder than usual, but this seems to be a trend for all econ classes during the pandemic unfortunately. Problem sets also take a really long time and sometimes cover things that we didn't learn so it took a while to figure all the problems out. But this is overall a good class and I'm glad that the prof made the online learning go pretty smoothly.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
May 25, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: B

Honestly went better than I expected and I thought it was easier than Econ 11, but very similar format. My only issue was the curve barely improved my grade, even though I did relatively well.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
April 15, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

overall, the class was pretty difficult, but i found that the pre-recorded lectures were really clear and didn't need to go to the q and a sessions. akina is also an amazing ta and would go through the problem sets step-by-step with me. the first midterm was definitely the harder of the two and the second one was almost identical to the practice ones he gave us. the final was really difficult, but gave a super nice curve. he's really understanding as an econ prof and definitely wants us to understand the material


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Dec. 18, 2023
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+

Silva was honestly pretty goated. Can drop one midterm if needed. He gives out practice tests that are extremely good prep for the actual exams. Try to take this with friends as the problem sets are graded for accuracy and can sometimes be tricky.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
March 26, 2021
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A

Overall, Professor Silveria is a gem within the economics department and did a great job teaching this course that is notorious for being difficult. His lectures were clear, the tests were pretty fair, and the class content was well organized. I highly recommend that you take this class with him.
Lectures: Due to remote instruction, lectures consisted of recorded videos explaining key concepts both with slides and examples done on his iPad. None of the lectures were too long, he does a good job balancing both theory and examples, his explanations were clear, and I found them to be engaging. He also held informal Q&A sessions during scheduled class time (these were optional and I only attended a few times but found them helpful for exam review)
Discussions: Discussions were live on zoom and recorded. They consisted of going over additional practice problems and reviewing midterms.
Problem Sets: We had a total of 7 problem sets (only 4 were graded as the others lined up with exams). They consisted of 3-4 problems each and were graded half for participation, half for accuracy on one problem. I found the questions to be of similar difficulty to the exams (although worded in a different format). Great review for exams. Lowest one also dropped.
Exams: This class can be notorious for difficult exams, but I found them overall to be pretty fair. The first midterm was the most difficult for me (he included a multi-part curve ball question that threw many people off), but the second midterm and final were more straightforward. Averages were in the 70s for the first midterm and final and 85 for the second midterm. He also provided two practice tests for each exam that were pretty helpful for studying. Questions were all multiple choice and consist of multi-part questions. As long as if you review these exams, your problem sets, and review your notes, you should do well.
Helpfulness: Overall, Prof. Silveria was very helpful and transparent throughout the quarter. He would frequently email us with updates, hold office hours and answer questions over email, and genuinely takes the student's interest to heart.

Great class and great professor!


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ECON 101
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: A-
July 2, 2020

This professor is literally Mazzocco 2.0. His exams were all multiple choice and fairly easy and were very similar to the practice exam. He made Econ 101 one of the easiest econ classes I've taken but I messed up the midterms because I had other obligations and took them essentially with Econ 11 knowledge only. He also gives out grades based on cutoffs instead of using a departmental curve which was clutch. Overall, would highly recommend him. A small complaint is he really does not tolerate side chatter but besides that nothing bad about Bernardo


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ECON 101
Quarter: Winter 2020
Grade: B+
Aug. 3, 2020

It was a good class. I would've gotten an A if I hadn't misread a question on the final which was actually very easy. Do the TA practice problems as they're essentially the same thing you'd get on the exam.


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ECON 189
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 25, 2021

For a seminar, the workload was on the heavier side. There was a weekly one-page assignment in which we had to break down the essential elements of the paper we were assigned to read. These elements included the research question, data sets, empirical challenges, and conclusions. We were also split into two-person teams for a single group project that required us to give a PowerPoint presentation of the above elements for a different paper from the one everyone was assigned for the week. The class is small—there were only 10 students—, so be prepared to know your stuff. You will not succeed if you choose to sit in the background and say nothing. The topic of the seminar, discrimination in the justice system, was extremely interesting and engaging. An overall great experience, especially if you are interested in research in the social sciences.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: C
May 5, 2021

Well, I passed, so that's the pro part. I came from the sad class of pizzas and champagne for Mazz's 11 class and so, comparatively, this class was slightly easier. I laugh at the ECON department instead, for just stressing students out and placing them in a tough situation because of classes like these. IMO, Bernardo tried HARD to help us out. However, with that dumb ECON curve, it is a system of failure that decreases students' academic and work opportunities with these weeder classes, and ironically, you would think economists would know better.

Class-wise, it was fine. The class is what is it is - more calculus than economics. Midterm was sad. Final was long afk = sad. What else is there to be said? Bernando really does his best though - Can't take that away from him.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: P
March 19, 2021

- Lectures were prerecorded and posted about 2 days before the lecture day. You're expected to watch the lectures before actual lecture days. You will be provided PPT lecture notes, and only need to write in the margins for some things.
- "QnA sessions" (similar to office hours) take place on lecture days, where you submit questions in a webinar-format. He ends class on-time, not a second over.
- Downside: You can't see questions other students have posted, thus forcing the professor to sort through duplicate questions in the sea of questions.
- Duration of each prerecorded lecture is (almost) always the exact duration as regular class would be.

- Grade turnaround is very slow.
- All multiple choice questions (Note: COVID-19, online quarter)
- Two midterms, 1 final exam. If you score better than both midterms on your final exam, he'll drop your lowest midterm.
- Proctored by T.A. over Zoom. Webcam is required.

- 4 problem sets are assigned for a grade. He drops your lowest problem set. 50% of the grade is based on completion. He will pick one of the questions to be graded for accuracy (for the other 50%).
- 3 additional problem sets and solutions are given, 1 just before each exam.
- NO late submission accepted.

- Uses email to share when prerecorded lectures are posted and when problem sets are uploaded.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 26, 2021

I would say that Professor Silveira is one of the better professors in the econ department. His lectures are concise and even though we covered a lot of topics, they weren't too hard to learn. However, the exams are definitely harder than usual, but this seems to be a trend for all econ classes during the pandemic unfortunately. Problem sets also take a really long time and sometimes cover things that we didn't learn so it took a while to figure all the problems out. But this is overall a good class and I'm glad that the prof made the online learning go pretty smoothly.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: B
May 25, 2021

Honestly went better than I expected and I thought it was easier than Econ 11, but very similar format. My only issue was the curve barely improved my grade, even though I did relatively well.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
April 15, 2021

overall, the class was pretty difficult, but i found that the pre-recorded lectures were really clear and didn't need to go to the q and a sessions. akina is also an amazing ta and would go through the problem sets step-by-step with me. the first midterm was definitely the harder of the two and the second one was almost identical to the practice ones he gave us. the final was really difficult, but gave a super nice curve. he's really understanding as an econ prof and definitely wants us to understand the material


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ECON 101
Quarter: Spring 2023
Grade: A+
Dec. 18, 2023

Silva was honestly pretty goated. Can drop one midterm if needed. He gives out practice tests that are extremely good prep for the actual exams. Try to take this with friends as the problem sets are graded for accuracy and can sometimes be tricky.


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ECON 101
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Winter 2021
Grade: A
March 26, 2021

Overall, Professor Silveria is a gem within the economics department and did a great job teaching this course that is notorious for being difficult. His lectures were clear, the tests were pretty fair, and the class content was well organized. I highly recommend that you take this class with him.
Lectures: Due to remote instruction, lectures consisted of recorded videos explaining key concepts both with slides and examples done on his iPad. None of the lectures were too long, he does a good job balancing both theory and examples, his explanations were clear, and I found them to be engaging. He also held informal Q&A sessions during scheduled class time (these were optional and I only attended a few times but found them helpful for exam review)
Discussions: Discussions were live on zoom and recorded. They consisted of going over additional practice problems and reviewing midterms.
Problem Sets: We had a total of 7 problem sets (only 4 were graded as the others lined up with exams). They consisted of 3-4 problems each and were graded half for participation, half for accuracy on one problem. I found the questions to be of similar difficulty to the exams (although worded in a different format). Great review for exams. Lowest one also dropped.
Exams: This class can be notorious for difficult exams, but I found them overall to be pretty fair. The first midterm was the most difficult for me (he included a multi-part curve ball question that threw many people off), but the second midterm and final were more straightforward. Averages were in the 70s for the first midterm and final and 85 for the second midterm. He also provided two practice tests for each exam that were pretty helpful for studying. Questions were all multiple choice and consist of multi-part questions. As long as if you review these exams, your problem sets, and review your notes, you should do well.
Helpfulness: Overall, Prof. Silveria was very helpful and transparent throughout the quarter. He would frequently email us with updates, hold office hours and answer questions over email, and genuinely takes the student's interest to heart.

Great class and great professor!


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