
John Branstetter

Overall Ratings
Based on 62 Users
Easiness 4.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 4.1 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.7 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.9 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (62)

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Nov. 2, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: N/A

Professor Branstetter is amazing. He is super funny and extremely intelligent. I had him for his comparative political theory class. His class consists of three papers (no exams). He does not require you to purchase textbooks as he posts the readings online. He has office hours in the sculpture garden which he records live on Facebook so students can watch and ask questions from home. He loves answering questions and is very approachable. If you are a poli sci major with an emphasis in political theory take his class!


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Nov. 15, 2018
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: NR

Branstetter is my favorite professor at UCLA! I am unsure why he doesnt have a ton of reviews since he is literally the best. He is super engaging and the most helpful professor at UCLA. He truly cares about a students learning. Out of all my classes at UCLA his is the most challenging because he makes you think and question everything. He asks questions that you didn't think about and it makes you reevaluate everything. However, the challenge is what makes his class great because he is there for his students at all times. He holds sculpture gardens, talks to you before/after class, holds extra office hours. He goes above and beyond and honestly, UCLA is lucky to have him. Many professors here only care for their research and it is great knowing that Branstetter cares about teaching and his research. He talks a lot about Japan and his travels. You will not fall asleep in his class. His grading is good as well! A is obtainable but just know what you stance is on essays and you will be good!


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March 14, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A-

This professor is among the best in the school. He is engaging, funny, always positive, creative and interesting, and certainly very knowledgeable. I would recommend this class to anyone and everyone.


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April 5, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+

PS 10 with Branstetter 100% depends on your TA. Personally, my TA was really full of herself and graded pretty harshly. But other friends in the class had better and nicer TAs and ended up with better grades even with the same amount and quality of work. Branstetter is kind of a boring lecturer but he's entertaining enough. Lectures really aren't that necessary, but the reading definitely is. I've heard this was the hardest PS lower div and it was to me.


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April 17, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+

This was the best (and easiest) GE I have taken at UCLA.
Grading scheme = 10% discussion, and 3, 3-4 page essays (30% each).

There is a lot of reading assigned for this class, but I only really read one of the assignments to its full extent. Each essay only requires two of the readings each (I only used one reading for the last essay).
You don't really need to go to lecture, as it is not super relevant to writing a good paper, but if you are confused with the material, it may help.

I went to every lecture because Branstetter is such a personable, and engaging guy who is clearly passionate about the subject matter and his students' success.

Your TA does the grading, so who you have matters. My TA (Kris) was an extremely cool and thoughtful guy, who gave good feedback and graded on the easier side.
we were given 2% extra credit for doing the evaluations, which bumped my grade up. Clutch.

10/10 would recommend to a friend.


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June 11, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

Professor Branstetter is by far the best professor I have had at UCLA. He is so engaging and passionate about political theory that it inspires his students, even in a subject which many would consider dry. He is also extremely helpful in office hours and, because your grade in this class is composed of 3 essays that your TA grades, it never hurts to go over your essay with him if you're not happy with your grade because he's not averse to bumping you up a few points if he feels that you deserve it.


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July 12, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A

Branstetter is by far one of the most caring and considerate professors at UCLA. His lectures make something as complex as Karl Marx understanding, and he is very forgiving if he sees you putting in an effort. The class is very reading dense and requires rereading of a very big and dense book, but rest assured Branstetter is so helpful in his lectures. His course has 7 pop quizzes but he drops 2. He also has one midterm worth 30% of your grade and a final making up 45% of your grade. Overall, I highly recommend this class.


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Nov. 9, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: N/A

Im currently taking prof Branstetter during my first quarter at UCLA & he is the the best! He actually cares about his students so much and is very passionate about the material he teaches. He's also super smart and open to hearing all of our different ideas. Highly recommend!


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Nov. 11, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A-

I really like the professor. He is very kind and helpful. The course is comprised of reading quizzes (given out randomly), a take home midterm, and a take home final. You really have to understand Branstetter's interpretation of Marx to get full credit on the exam. It was a lot harder than I was expecting based on the reviews. I would suggest going to office hours and copious notes during lectures to get full credit on the midterm and final.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 9, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Best professor at UCLA. It makes no sense to me why UCLA hasn't already given him tenure status.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: N/A
Nov. 2, 2018

Professor Branstetter is amazing. He is super funny and extremely intelligent. I had him for his comparative political theory class. His class consists of three papers (no exams). He does not require you to purchase textbooks as he posts the readings online. He has office hours in the sculpture garden which he records live on Facebook so students can watch and ask questions from home. He loves answering questions and is very approachable. If you are a poli sci major with an emphasis in political theory take his class!


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: NR
Nov. 15, 2018

Branstetter is my favorite professor at UCLA! I am unsure why he doesnt have a ton of reviews since he is literally the best. He is super engaging and the most helpful professor at UCLA. He truly cares about a students learning. Out of all my classes at UCLA his is the most challenging because he makes you think and question everything. He asks questions that you didn't think about and it makes you reevaluate everything. However, the challenge is what makes his class great because he is there for his students at all times. He holds sculpture gardens, talks to you before/after class, holds extra office hours. He goes above and beyond and honestly, UCLA is lucky to have him. Many professors here only care for their research and it is great knowing that Branstetter cares about teaching and his research. He talks a lot about Japan and his travels. You will not fall asleep in his class. His grading is good as well! A is obtainable but just know what you stance is on essays and you will be good!


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Quarter: Winter 2018
Grade: A-
March 14, 2019

This professor is among the best in the school. He is engaging, funny, always positive, creative and interesting, and certainly very knowledgeable. I would recommend this class to anyone and everyone.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+
April 5, 2019

PS 10 with Branstetter 100% depends on your TA. Personally, my TA was really full of herself and graded pretty harshly. But other friends in the class had better and nicer TAs and ended up with better grades even with the same amount and quality of work. Branstetter is kind of a boring lecturer but he's entertaining enough. Lectures really aren't that necessary, but the reading definitely is. I've heard this was the hardest PS lower div and it was to me.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A+
April 17, 2019

This was the best (and easiest) GE I have taken at UCLA.
Grading scheme = 10% discussion, and 3, 3-4 page essays (30% each).

There is a lot of reading assigned for this class, but I only really read one of the assignments to its full extent. Each essay only requires two of the readings each (I only used one reading for the last essay).
You don't really need to go to lecture, as it is not super relevant to writing a good paper, but if you are confused with the material, it may help.

I went to every lecture because Branstetter is such a personable, and engaging guy who is clearly passionate about the subject matter and his students' success.

Your TA does the grading, so who you have matters. My TA (Kris) was an extremely cool and thoughtful guy, who gave good feedback and graded on the easier side.
we were given 2% extra credit for doing the evaluations, which bumped my grade up. Clutch.

10/10 would recommend to a friend.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
June 11, 2019

Professor Branstetter is by far the best professor I have had at UCLA. He is so engaging and passionate about political theory that it inspires his students, even in a subject which many would consider dry. He is also extremely helpful in office hours and, because your grade in this class is composed of 3 essays that your TA grades, it never hurts to go over your essay with him if you're not happy with your grade because he's not averse to bumping you up a few points if he feels that you deserve it.


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A
July 12, 2019

Branstetter is by far one of the most caring and considerate professors at UCLA. His lectures make something as complex as Karl Marx understanding, and he is very forgiving if he sees you putting in an effort. The class is very reading dense and requires rereading of a very big and dense book, but rest assured Branstetter is so helpful in his lectures. His course has 7 pop quizzes but he drops 2. He also has one midterm worth 30% of your grade and a final making up 45% of your grade. Overall, I highly recommend this class.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: N/A
Nov. 9, 2019

Im currently taking prof Branstetter during my first quarter at UCLA & he is the the best! He actually cares about his students so much and is very passionate about the material he teaches. He's also super smart and open to hearing all of our different ideas. Highly recommend!


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Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A-
Nov. 11, 2019

I really like the professor. He is very kind and helpful. The course is comprised of reading quizzes (given out randomly), a take home midterm, and a take home final. You really have to understand Branstetter's interpretation of Marx to get full credit on the exam. It was a lot harder than I was expecting based on the reviews. I would suggest going to office hours and copious notes during lectures to get full credit on the midterm and final.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
July 9, 2020

Best professor at UCLA. It makes no sense to me why UCLA hasn't already given him tenure status.


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