
Chris Surro

Overall Ratings
Based on 127 Users
Easiness 2.8 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.5 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.4 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.4 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (127)

4 of 11
4 of 11
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March 29, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+

Professor Surro is a great professor to take Econ 2 with. His class consists of two midterms, one post on the class site discussion about a current event in macroeconomics, and a final. There is a quiz during each discussion section and after each lecture, but they are completely optional. Although I highly recommend taking the quizzes because they count for extra credit on your final exam. My biggest regret for this class is that I didn't study harder for the midterms. The content isn't too hard, but you really need to spend time on the concepts you don't understand and get help if you want to do well on the tests. Professor Surro is really helpful in office hours, and so was my TA. The textbook is pretty necessary for this class, as it has practice problems and it explains some of the concepts more in depth which is really helpful. Professor Surro's powerpoint slides are super clear and he posts them all on CCLE after the lecture, which is super helpful.


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March 30, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A

This was an overall alright class as the class itself was not too difficult and I think that Surro was quite a fair teacher. However, having professor Rojas last quarter for econ 1, I think that Rojas is the better professor to go with. But, Surro is a relatively new professor and I think that he has the potential to become a better professor.


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April 2, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

Chris was the best Professor for Econ 2. I'm very glad I chose to take his class over Rojas' class (I had Rojas for Econ 1) because Chris' tests are much more fair and straightforward. For the most part, he asks questions that we have gone over in class. He doesn't use the textbook much but it is there for reference if you want to read it. I would definitely take this class if you have the option!!! He is a clear lecturer and is such a nice guy. Definitely go to his office hours if you don't understand something because he is so helpful.


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April 2, 2019
Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A

Honestly I really enjoyed having Chris at my professor. His lecture slides are super clear, but he pretty much reads off of them the whole class period. The only time when he didn't do this is when we learned about graphs or did math problems, and then he would do work on the black board. Personally, I went to every lecture so I could ask questions, but half the class didnt come to lecture and they still did well on tests lol. The best way to describe his midterms are finals are as fair. If you really understand the material, you will do well. His office hours are really helpful and when you go he shows more of his personality and you get to see that he's just a really nice, chill guy. Overall, I really enjoyed this class because I learned a lot and Chris was super chill. I would take it again, but just know that you really have to put in work.


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April 18, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+

Took Econ 2 with Chris and boy, he's a good teacher. There's no need to buy the textbook at all, everything he tests on are within the slides he uploads and teaches with each class. He's pretty young I think a phd student and without a doubt I would sign up for any class he teaches tbh.
There were weekly quizzes that were extra credit (if I'm remembering correctly) on the final grade/test. He's super clear in the concepts and easy to talk to if you want more help after class. I'd say going over his slides and using mind tap practice questions are the best way to ace this class.


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ECON 102
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 22, 2021
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: B+

I took Surro for 11 and 102. He is consistently clear and helpful. He is THE best econ professor at UCLA. Tests are tough but there is more than enough opportunity for extra credit. I recommend doing ALL of the extra credit he offers. Campuswire is also a helpful tool he uses to quickly respond to questions/concerns. The Solow Excel Assignment is rather tedious, but if you start early and do the bare minimum, you are guaranteed at least a B. Would recommend!


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June 25, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B

Chris Surro is probably the best professor I've had in the Economics department, maybe even at UCLA. I think what sets Chris apart is his willingness to improve. After our first midterm, he gave us a survey asking for feedback on how to become a better professor. He gives very clear lectures and always answers questions. On top of that, he always tries to connect the concepts to ideas outside of class, allowing the material we learn to be a lot more applicable to real-world scenarios.

The class is out out of 400 points, and there are no curves (up or down), but class participation is rewarded with an additional 100/100 points. It isn't extra credit in the traditional sense, but this means that if you participated a lot in class, you have a bit more room to get the grade you want. 25% of the class is homework and participation in online discussions, 30% is the midterm and 45% is the final, though he'll let you replace your midterm grade if your final grade is higher.

Personally, I believe that Econ 102 is one of the more easy classes in the major, at least compared to Econ 101, 11, 41, and 103, and Chris does a good job of helping you out. I would definitely recommend taking him again if possible, as all of the work he assigned us was reasonable and helped a lot.


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June 30, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A+

Extra credits. Very helpful. It ready for long exams.


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July 29, 2019
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: NR

Definitely take a class with Chris Surro. One of the best Econ profs, he makes you realize that Econ isn’t just graphs and memorization but actually something people use in the real world.


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Dec. 21, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-

Unlike most people jere, I actually don’t find his lecture to be super engaging; however, the content is naturally on the dry side, so I can’t blame him. However, he is super helpful with the class, provides tons of material to study for and make extra office hours and review sessions for the final. He also makes fair tests, problems are pretty similar to his practice problem sets throughout the quarter. My advice would be to study his practice problems hard to prepare for the exams. Overall, I’d say I will take the class with Surro again.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: B+
March 29, 2019

Professor Surro is a great professor to take Econ 2 with. His class consists of two midterms, one post on the class site discussion about a current event in macroeconomics, and a final. There is a quiz during each discussion section and after each lecture, but they are completely optional. Although I highly recommend taking the quizzes because they count for extra credit on your final exam. My biggest regret for this class is that I didn't study harder for the midterms. The content isn't too hard, but you really need to spend time on the concepts you don't understand and get help if you want to do well on the tests. Professor Surro is really helpful in office hours, and so was my TA. The textbook is pretty necessary for this class, as it has practice problems and it explains some of the concepts more in depth which is really helpful. Professor Surro's powerpoint slides are super clear and he posts them all on CCLE after the lecture, which is super helpful.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: N/A
March 30, 2019

This was an overall alright class as the class itself was not too difficult and I think that Surro was quite a fair teacher. However, having professor Rojas last quarter for econ 1, I think that Rojas is the better professor to go with. But, Surro is a relatively new professor and I think that he has the potential to become a better professor.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
April 2, 2019

Chris was the best Professor for Econ 2. I'm very glad I chose to take his class over Rojas' class (I had Rojas for Econ 1) because Chris' tests are much more fair and straightforward. For the most part, he asks questions that we have gone over in class. He doesn't use the textbook much but it is there for reference if you want to read it. I would definitely take this class if you have the option!!! He is a clear lecturer and is such a nice guy. Definitely go to his office hours if you don't understand something because he is so helpful.


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Quarter: Winter 2019
Grade: A
April 2, 2019

Honestly I really enjoyed having Chris at my professor. His lecture slides are super clear, but he pretty much reads off of them the whole class period. The only time when he didn't do this is when we learned about graphs or did math problems, and then he would do work on the black board. Personally, I went to every lecture so I could ask questions, but half the class didnt come to lecture and they still did well on tests lol. The best way to describe his midterms are finals are as fair. If you really understand the material, you will do well. His office hours are really helpful and when you go he shows more of his personality and you get to see that he's just a really nice, chill guy. Overall, I really enjoyed this class because I learned a lot and Chris was super chill. I would take it again, but just know that you really have to put in work.


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Quarter: Fall 2018
Grade: B+
April 18, 2019

Took Econ 2 with Chris and boy, he's a good teacher. There's no need to buy the textbook at all, everything he tests on are within the slides he uploads and teaches with each class. He's pretty young I think a phd student and without a doubt I would sign up for any class he teaches tbh.
There were weekly quizzes that were extra credit (if I'm remembering correctly) on the final grade/test. He's super clear in the concepts and easy to talk to if you want more help after class. I'd say going over his slides and using mind tap practice questions are the best way to ace this class.


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ECON 102
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2021
Grade: B+
June 22, 2021

I took Surro for 11 and 102. He is consistently clear and helpful. He is THE best econ professor at UCLA. Tests are tough but there is more than enough opportunity for extra credit. I recommend doing ALL of the extra credit he offers. Campuswire is also a helpful tool he uses to quickly respond to questions/concerns. The Solow Excel Assignment is rather tedious, but if you start early and do the bare minimum, you are guaranteed at least a B. Would recommend!


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ECON 102
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: B
June 25, 2019

Chris Surro is probably the best professor I've had in the Economics department, maybe even at UCLA. I think what sets Chris apart is his willingness to improve. After our first midterm, he gave us a survey asking for feedback on how to become a better professor. He gives very clear lectures and always answers questions. On top of that, he always tries to connect the concepts to ideas outside of class, allowing the material we learn to be a lot more applicable to real-world scenarios.

The class is out out of 400 points, and there are no curves (up or down), but class participation is rewarded with an additional 100/100 points. It isn't extra credit in the traditional sense, but this means that if you participated a lot in class, you have a bit more room to get the grade you want. 25% of the class is homework and participation in online discussions, 30% is the midterm and 45% is the final, though he'll let you replace your midterm grade if your final grade is higher.

Personally, I believe that Econ 102 is one of the more easy classes in the major, at least compared to Econ 101, 11, 41, and 103, and Chris does a good job of helping you out. I would definitely recommend taking him again if possible, as all of the work he assigned us was reasonable and helped a lot.


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ECON 102
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: A+
June 30, 2019

Extra credits. Very helpful. It ready for long exams.


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ECON 102
Quarter: Spring 2019
Grade: NR
July 29, 2019

Definitely take a class with Chris Surro. One of the best Econ profs, he makes you realize that Econ isn’t just graphs and memorization but actually something people use in the real world.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-
Dec. 21, 2019

Unlike most people jere, I actually don’t find his lecture to be super engaging; however, the content is naturally on the dry side, so I can’t blame him. However, he is super helpful with the class, provides tons of material to study for and make extra office hours and review sessions for the final. He also makes fair tests, problems are pretty similar to his practice problem sets throughout the quarter. My advice would be to study his practice problems hard to prepare for the exams. Overall, I’d say I will take the class with Surro again.


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4 of 11

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