
Anish Nag

Overall Ratings
Based on 70 Users
Easiness 3.0 / 5 How easy the class is, 1 being extremely difficult and 5 being easy peasy.
Workload 3.4 / 5 How light the workload is, 1 being extremely heavy and 5 being extremely light.
Clarity 4.8 / 5 How clear the professor is, 1 being extremely unclear and 5 being very clear.
Helpfulness 4.9 / 5 How helpful the professor is, 1 being not helpful at all and 5 being extremely helpful.

Reviews (70)

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Dec. 19, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

I enjoyed this class very much. Anish is a wonderful person and provided MANY additional materials/worksheets/practice exams etc. They saved my life before the midterms and finals. I appreciated the way he set up the grading system (25/25/50 midterm/midterm/final with opportunities for a total of 12.5% extra credit) because it was accommodating of many different learning styles. Highly recommend this professor.


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Dec. 19, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-

TAKE CHEM 14D WITH ANISH NAG. This man is a legend both as a person and a professor. His lectures are engaging for the material (organic chemistry isn't exactly the most riveting of subjects), but Anish makes it work. His tests are incredibly fair so long as you study your ass off. Keep in mind that this is a hard class regardless of who you take it with, the point is taking it with Anish really makes it easier because of his clarity and availability as a professor. This dude will LIVE on campus if you ask him to, topping off with office hours on a SATURDAY before our final. That is dedication. Oh, and he gives you 12.5% of extra credit. That's right. You can have an 87.5% in the class, do all the extra credit (which is all optional like clickers and discussion attendance) and end the class with a 100%. Take 14D with this angel and you will surely not regret a thing. Also his haircut is the funniest thing I've ever seen, sorry if you're reading this Anish but you gotta change your flow bro.


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Dec. 17, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: NR

10/10 class, highly recommend it. 14D is going to be a relatively difficult class no matter who you take it with, but Dr. Nag really goes the extra way to make sure that his students feel confident. He is a fun person, a great lecturer, and he is very accommodating, and will structure the class in a way that will almost guarantee you success. I can’t speak content wise because I loved 14C and chemistry in general, but he makes the lectures interesting and always integrates real world applications whenever he can. I highly doubt anybody did not enjoy the class. If you have to take 14D, take it with Dr. Nag!

Also, Swetha sang 1/2 step.


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Dec. 19, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A

I am a senior about to finish my time at UCLA and this class has been so transformative for me. Professor Nag has made me realize a lot of things, one being how terrible many professors here are. It’s easy to get lost in such a big school but Nag went out of his way to learn each student’s name, and encouraged us to seek help outside of class if we are struggling. 14D is definitely one of the harder classes I’ve ever taken here, but Nag was so enthusiastic and positive and such a good teacher of the material that I now think of chemistry in a completely different way. I hated chemistry with a passion before this class and now I feel confident and excited about it! I can’t stress enough that everyone should have this class with Nag you absolutely won’t regret it. A huge huge thank you to Anish for leaving such an impact.


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Dec. 19, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Wow! What an amazing class with an amazing professor. Professor Nag is easily my favorite professor at UCLA and the bar has been set very high for all professors. He truly cares about his students to a point where he memorized everyone’s name in lecture. He gives so many resources for us to succeed and if he sees we’re struggling he doesn’t hesitate to try and lighten up on the grading so we can get maximum points as possible. Yes, Chem 14D is not easy and is by far the hardest of the 14 series, but professor Nag made it worth while with all his extra credit opportunities and engaging lectures. I would take every class at UCLA with professor Nag if I could.


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Dec. 19, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-

I LOVED taking Chem 14D with Anish!! He genuinely cares about his students and takes the time to learn each and every one of his students' names. This was his first quarter teaching and I was a little hesitant to take his class, but he is a great teacher who is very clear. He also provides SO many resources, from past practice exams to handouts. I scored low Cs (~70-73%) on all of the exams and still got an A-. I probably could have studied more and gotten an A. Anish also gives so much extra credit (~50 points) and that really benefited the students :')

Take Chem14D with Anish Nag if you can!!!!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 17, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

I love my parents but Anish needs to adopt me.


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
June 3, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Anish is without a doubt the best professor I have had so far in my two years at UCLA. In the wake of a global pandemic and soon, maybe even a nationwide race war, it seems like it would be obvious for all professors to be understanding of their students and accommodate them appropriately. Unfortunately, I have heard several examples of professors who have failed to do so -- but Anish was not one of them. Not only did he alter grading and testing policies due to the extreme stress that his students have been going through, but he also spoke to us on multiple occasions about how he knows these times are tough and is trying his absolute best to make them bearable. He was always quick to reply to an email and was amazing at engaging with the class. Anish was able to make a grueling organic chemistry class fun, which I give him the utmost respect for during such a tumultuous ten weeks. 10/10 take this class with Nag


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Dec. 19, 2019
Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+

Chem 14D with Dr. Nag was a great experience and my favorite class of the infamous 14 series. I went into this class with no idea what to expect given that Dr. Nag was a new professor, but he quickly dissolved my fears with organized (albeit fast-paced) lectures, concise answers to student questions, and tons of practice problems and exams. He also posts all of his slides online and is very helpful during office hours. Regardless of who you take 14D with, it is going to be hard due to the sheer volume of material you have to cover, and Dr. Nag was no exception. The first midterm was pretty tough and the second midterm was a major vibe check, but thankfully the final was a little easier. However, Nag was very fair when grading the tests and even adjusted the rubric for the second midterm to be more generous with partial credit. He also gives out lots of extra credit in the form of showing up to discussions, clickers, and online homework, which helped me attain a far better grade than I anticipated.

You can tell from the first lecture to the last that Dr. Nag genuinely cares about his students, is passionate about teaching, and wants you to succeed. Success will not come easily, but if you practice reactions every single day and go to lecture and discussion, you will do well in the course. Take this course with Nag; you won't regret it!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
July 2, 2020
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+

Easily one of the most passionate and helpful professors at UCLA, especially within the Chemistry Department. Encourages his students to actually understand the concepts at hand and provides more than enough resources to ensure everyone is able to grasp the concepts. Aside from being super helpful in both his grading scheme and clear teaching (even during virtual lectures), Professor Nag is one of the most understanding professors, making this class a lot more doable. If you are able to choose Professor Nag for 14D, please do so, you won't regret it!


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 19, 2019

I enjoyed this class very much. Anish is a wonderful person and provided MANY additional materials/worksheets/practice exams etc. They saved my life before the midterms and finals. I appreciated the way he set up the grading system (25/25/50 midterm/midterm/final with opportunities for a total of 12.5% extra credit) because it was accommodating of many different learning styles. Highly recommend this professor.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-
Dec. 19, 2019

TAKE CHEM 14D WITH ANISH NAG. This man is a legend both as a person and a professor. His lectures are engaging for the material (organic chemistry isn't exactly the most riveting of subjects), but Anish makes it work. His tests are incredibly fair so long as you study your ass off. Keep in mind that this is a hard class regardless of who you take it with, the point is taking it with Anish really makes it easier because of his clarity and availability as a professor. This dude will LIVE on campus if you ask him to, topping off with office hours on a SATURDAY before our final. That is dedication. Oh, and he gives you 12.5% of extra credit. That's right. You can have an 87.5% in the class, do all the extra credit (which is all optional like clickers and discussion attendance) and end the class with a 100%. Take 14D with this angel and you will surely not regret a thing. Also his haircut is the funniest thing I've ever seen, sorry if you're reading this Anish but you gotta change your flow bro.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: NR
Dec. 17, 2019

10/10 class, highly recommend it. 14D is going to be a relatively difficult class no matter who you take it with, but Dr. Nag really goes the extra way to make sure that his students feel confident. He is a fun person, a great lecturer, and he is very accommodating, and will structure the class in a way that will almost guarantee you success. I can’t speak content wise because I loved 14C and chemistry in general, but he makes the lectures interesting and always integrates real world applications whenever he can. I highly doubt anybody did not enjoy the class. If you have to take 14D, take it with Dr. Nag!

Also, Swetha sang 1/2 step.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A
Dec. 19, 2019

I am a senior about to finish my time at UCLA and this class has been so transformative for me. Professor Nag has made me realize a lot of things, one being how terrible many professors here are. It’s easy to get lost in such a big school but Nag went out of his way to learn each student’s name, and encouraged us to seek help outside of class if we are struggling. 14D is definitely one of the harder classes I’ve ever taken here, but Nag was so enthusiastic and positive and such a good teacher of the material that I now think of chemistry in a completely different way. I hated chemistry with a passion before this class and now I feel confident and excited about it! I can’t stress enough that everyone should have this class with Nag you absolutely won’t regret it. A huge huge thank you to Anish for leaving such an impact.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 19, 2019

Wow! What an amazing class with an amazing professor. Professor Nag is easily my favorite professor at UCLA and the bar has been set very high for all professors. He truly cares about his students to a point where he memorized everyone’s name in lecture. He gives so many resources for us to succeed and if he sees we’re struggling he doesn’t hesitate to try and lighten up on the grading so we can get maximum points as possible. Yes, Chem 14D is not easy and is by far the hardest of the 14 series, but professor Nag made it worth while with all his extra credit opportunities and engaging lectures. I would take every class at UCLA with professor Nag if I could.


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A-
Dec. 19, 2019

I LOVED taking Chem 14D with Anish!! He genuinely cares about his students and takes the time to learn each and every one of his students' names. This was his first quarter teaching and I was a little hesitant to take his class, but he is a great teacher who is very clear. He also provides SO many resources, from past practice exams to handouts. I scored low Cs (~70-73%) on all of the exams and still got an A-. I probably could have studied more and gotten an A. Anish also gives so much extra credit (~50 points) and that really benefited the students :')

Take Chem14D with Anish Nag if you can!!!!!


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COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 17, 2020

I love my parents but Anish needs to adopt me.


6 2 Please log in to provide feedback.
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
June 3, 2020

Anish is without a doubt the best professor I have had so far in my two years at UCLA. In the wake of a global pandemic and soon, maybe even a nationwide race war, it seems like it would be obvious for all professors to be understanding of their students and accommodate them appropriately. Unfortunately, I have heard several examples of professors who have failed to do so -- but Anish was not one of them. Not only did he alter grading and testing policies due to the extreme stress that his students have been going through, but he also spoke to us on multiple occasions about how he knows these times are tough and is trying his absolute best to make them bearable. He was always quick to reply to an email and was amazing at engaging with the class. Anish was able to make a grueling organic chemistry class fun, which I give him the utmost respect for during such a tumultuous ten weeks. 10/10 take this class with Nag


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Quarter: Fall 2019
Grade: A+
Dec. 19, 2019

Chem 14D with Dr. Nag was a great experience and my favorite class of the infamous 14 series. I went into this class with no idea what to expect given that Dr. Nag was a new professor, but he quickly dissolved my fears with organized (albeit fast-paced) lectures, concise answers to student questions, and tons of practice problems and exams. He also posts all of his slides online and is very helpful during office hours. Regardless of who you take 14D with, it is going to be hard due to the sheer volume of material you have to cover, and Dr. Nag was no exception. The first midterm was pretty tough and the second midterm was a major vibe check, but thankfully the final was a little easier. However, Nag was very fair when grading the tests and even adjusted the rubric for the second midterm to be more generous with partial credit. He also gives out lots of extra credit in the form of showing up to discussions, clickers, and online homework, which helped me attain a far better grade than I anticipated.

You can tell from the first lecture to the last that Dr. Nag genuinely cares about his students, is passionate about teaching, and wants you to succeed. Success will not come easily, but if you practice reactions every single day and go to lecture and discussion, you will do well in the course. Take this course with Nag; you won't regret it!


5 3 Please log in to provide feedback.
COVID-19 This review was submitted during the COVID-19 pandemic. Your experience may vary.
Quarter: Spring 2020
Grade: A+
July 2, 2020

Easily one of the most passionate and helpful professors at UCLA, especially within the Chemistry Department. Encourages his students to actually understand the concepts at hand and provides more than enough resources to ensure everyone is able to grasp the concepts. Aside from being super helpful in both his grading scheme and clear teaching (even during virtual lectures), Professor Nag is one of the most understanding professors, making this class a lot more doable. If you are able to choose Professor Nag for 14D, please do so, you won't regret it!


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